It seems like every day just goes by faster and faster! Today wasn't intended to go by so fast though because I had BIG plans...I planned to go to work half a day and then go home and do nothing. Or maybe take a nap and then watch a movie. I was forced to be productive when I got to work and realized that doctor's offices were in fact open. I thought eve's were supposed to be like holidays. In order to distract myself from being completely bitter that I am here instead of there, I accomplished a few tasks on top of my normal duties. (by the way, I'm by no means complaining that I have to work.... I thank God every day that I actually have a job) Now that I look at the things I did, they seem so trivial:
1.) Updated telephone numbers in our handbook
2.) Began the process of upgrading our office from using floppy disks
3.) Set-up one touch fax numbers
4.) Sent off payroll (okay, NOT so trivial)
5.) Prepared paperwork for tomorrow
Dang, maybe I wasn't as productive as I thought. I'm certainly not right now.
I finished reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and I'm going to start The Prisoner of Azkaban!
New Years Eve!
Monday, December 31
Posted by Angela at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: harry potter, new years eve, work
If I had a Twitter I would say...
Friday, December 21
Posted by Angela at 2:34 PM 1 comments
We Made Cookies
Sunday, November 25
Posted by Angela at 12:14 AM 4 comments
Labels: gingerbread men, justin
Wednesday, November 21
Wow. It's that time of the year again! (or this time of the year?) Work is busy because the doctors are trying to get as many patients home as possible before the holiday (so they can go home), random old ladies calling to ask if we have any cranberry sauce because our number is listed as the Dollar Tree's, AND 4 days of vacation!!
Tomorrow Justin and I are spending lunch with my family, and then dinner with his. So we'll be eating all day of course. I'm looking forward to visiting with everyone, playing board games, and watching movies. I plan to take pictures of all the festivities, but I've only had time to practice at night (I stink at night time photography) so I am excited to be able to practice using my camera during the day.
Oh, speaking of movies....I absolutely loved Fred Claus! Justin, Katie, and I went to see it in Lufkin last week and we all enjoyed it. I like Christmas movies, music, and decorations anyway....but even Justin is still saying that he wants to see it again. So I definitely recommend it for everyone.
Tonight Justin and I are hanging out with Katie (Justin's sister), and I will attempt to make a dessert I've never made before AND a potato dish that I have never made before.
Have a safe Thanksgiving!!!!!
P.S. Thank you for your prayers, and beautiful cards last Monday. I really appreciate it. I am doing very well.
Posted by Angela at 4:15 PM 2 comments
Labels: fred claus, justin, katie, moveis
Pumpkin Jerks
Wednesday, October 31

Posted by Angela at 10:41 PM 0 comments
National Candy Corn Day
Tuesday, October 30
Posted by Angela at 9:20 PM 5 comments
Labels: candy corn, national candy corn day
Monday, October 29
Not much has been happening lately...
-Justin and I went to FUMC Lufkin's Pumpkin Patch the other day to pick out the "perfect" pumpkins. After much debate we picked out a nice medium one, a couple baby pumpkins, and a gourd. It was neat that Justin could see the colors and was able to help pick some out. Mandi ate the gourd on the way home though. Instead of using the pumpkins for Halloween decorations I used them for fall decorations....I love the fall!
-My birthday was this past week. Justin gave me a cool camera! So expect more pictures on my blog when I figure out how to work it....I missed having a camera. He also bought a couples' Bible that has a devotional every day for a year for newly weds. I love it! We went out to eat, and it was a fun day.
-This past weekend we watched Saw 4. (I know, I know..."What were you thinking?!"..."How could you subject yourselves to that?") It wasn't scary, and the ending was very abrupt. I really don't see how they could come out with more, but they are. I didn't feel as bad about watching this as I did about Halloween. And Luke from Gilmore Girls was on it.
-We've been better about going on walks here lately. It feels good to get back in the swing of things. I found a glow stick on our walk tonight and brought it home. Justin and I went to get something to drink and when we came back there was blue glowness all over the floor and on Mandi's paws. Good thing you can only see it in the dark. We checked her mouth and it wasn't that is good.
This week is going to be busy. I have a couple tests and a paper due. Justin starts practices again. Our church's Fall Festival is Wednesday night and our small group is helping with the cake walk. That will be fun!
And now I have a Journey devotional to write because it is way past the deadline.
Posted by Angela at 10:15 PM 3 comments
Labels: fall, justin, mandi, movies, my birthday, pumpkin patch, saw four
Tales from The Road
Thursday, October 18
Okay, so my co-worker is back at work and feeling better. She doesn't have to have her surgery earlier than planned, so hopefully complications will be less likely. I'm glad she is back.
Evidentally I didn't spend enough time in my astronomy books this week because I didn't do too well on the test. I think stars are pretty, but that doesn't count. I am bad at science. I am bad at science. How many times have I posted that?
Justin and I were driving to our small group tonight when we came to a stoplight. Before I go on let me tell you that when it comes to driving I am....cautious. Or maybe I just second guess myself too much. Sometimes people (mostly young ones) think I am too cautious so they give me a "polite" honk (note sarcasm).
So yeah, we came to a green light, but I had to turn left. There was no arrow, and there was an oncoming car. After the car passed, I probably had enough time to go, but I didn't because it was turning yellow. The guy behind me honked. I automatically got upset. Not road rage do a little sign language mad....just annoyed. I looked back and he made some sort of gesture. I of course was sure that it was a, "Give me a break old lady!" gesture.
When it was my turn to go I went. He followed up behind me. But then pulled to the lane beside me speeding up. At this point I was saying things like, "Oh my goodness, could you BE any ruder?" or "I can't believe these people!" How much of a hurry can someone be in? I've had guys pull up beside me in anger giving me mean looks before because of my cautiousness.
Well, I was quick to judge. When I looked at the truck beside me it was my pastor, Justin Beadles, trying to wave at me. Open mouth insert foot.
Posted by Angela at 12:29 AM 5 comments
Labels: justin, small group
Complete Waste
Sunday, September 30
So far this weekend has been a complete waste. When I went home yesterday I wasn't feeling well anymore. I kind of bummed around the house the entire day.....first I'd be in bed, then I'd go to the couch, then I would go into the office where Justin was. I didn't get anything accomplished. The only reason we really got one load of the laundry done was because Justin was determined to do so. I did get to watch Beauty and the Geek though. I think that was one goal I had for yesterday. And I think I might have made Justin semi-interested in the show too.
Today I'm back at work. I feel a little bit better. I wish I were at church. I can't wait to get back home. Hopefully, I will get a little bit more done today. My co-worker is still in the hospital, and I'm not really sure when she'll be out. She didn't look too good yesterday. I feel bad for her. I'm probably going to have to miss school tomorrow and work all day.
Posted by Angela at 11:40 AM 2 comments
Labels: beauty and the geek, justin, work
Friday + Weekend Forecast
Saturday, September 29
I got off of work early yesterday! It surprised Justin, and I was so happy to finally say hello to my weekend off!....that is until I found out that my co-worker was admitted into the hospital, and I'd be working the weekend. I was so disappointed. I'm not sure how long she'll be in the hospital at this point, but please pray that she is taken care of and gets better. It would be best if she didn't have to have her surgery earlier than planned. So I'm working this weekend....luckily, the weekend shift doesn't take too much time out of your entire is just for the morning. (unless I'm called back to the hospital, which never happens)
Justin and I went to Lufkin to eat double decker tacos with his family. First, we went by the Wright's house and visited for a while. Their children are so adorable! We hurried to Pet Smart and bought some dog food. I wanted to buy some halloween treats for Mandi, but we were in too much of a hurry....that'll have to wait until next time. (like she needs more treats anyway) We then went to his parents' house, and enjoyed visiting/eating with them. He tried to fix their internet again, but it is hopeless.
We headed back to Nacogdoches around 10 or so. I was starting to feel really bad. Justin was sick most of the week, and now I have the congested-sore throat-headache-coughing junk which is apparently going around the school. When we got home, we discovered that our neighbor--nicknamed Bass-ey, Mc Bass-ington for playing her music too loud--was throwing a party. I took some medicine and started to watch a little Gilmore Girls. I fell alseep early on in the episode....and all I remember after that is hearing Justin mess with his drums in the living room, and then taking some NyQuil because I felt worse.
I feel much better this morning! Hopefully I can do some laundry today, relax with Justin, and catch up on some of my missed TV shows from this last week. (yay for Beauty and the Geek!) Other than that we don't have much planned.....sometimes an unplanned weekend is best!
Posted by Angela at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: bassey mcbassington, justin, work
Wednesday, September 26

Ever since then I have been calling in an attempt to make another appointment. Either they don't answer the phone because they are so busy, or she is booked. I just left another message and I'm sure they are tired of hearing from me. Do you think they hate me? Have I lost all of my credibility because of my tardiness and I now have to "know someone" to get back in? This reminds me of a King of Queens episode where Carrie isn't welcomed at a nail salon because she yelled at one of the workers....and then all of the nail salons in the city were all-of-a-sudden "booked".
I need a haircut bad....and I'm one step from joining Justin at Milford's this Saturday. (not really)
Posted by Angela at 4:23 PM 2 comments
Straight From Kidd Kraddick....
Tuesday, September 25
Posted by Angela at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: kidd kraddick
Angela Boone Romack
Sunday, September 16
Man of the Year was a pretty good movie. It wasn't the kind of funny we were expecting. Justin thought the first half was boring. I think the movie ended abruptly...but I might have fallen asleep for a few minutes. There were a lot of funny spots. It was more suspenseful than I thought it would be. Not really a movie that will "stick" with me. I'm glad we rented it.
SUNDAY: I went to church. Then Justin and I went to Cotton Patch with Brad. I'm not really happy with my food selection...I kind of wish I would have gotten a salad. I love tomatoes! I came home, took a nap, watched Gilmore Girls, and met my astronomy class online.
My loving husband brought me Chicken Express, and then told me that I look like Daniel Boone. His exact words were, "...your hair looks like a coon hat."

What do YOU think?
Posted by Angela at 9:16 PM 2 comments
Labels: justin, man of the year, movies, update
What To Watch?
Thursday, September 6
I have to follow a brand new television show this fall for my radio/tv programming course. As I said before, I am usually the one to watch a bunch of reruns. I've been watching Gilmore Girls, King of Queens, Family Guy, and Hannah Montana. Yeah, that's much as I hate to admit it, I have been sucked into the "hey, I'm on the Disney Channel so I have to be a pop star" plot. So maybe this assignment will help spice up of life in front of the tube.

"Pushing Daisies": A baker puts to use his special powers to awaken the dead by helping his detective friend solve murder mysteries. Both his dog and girlfriend are a part of the living dead. With one touch he can bring them to life, but if he touches them again they will be dead forever.
I'm leaning toward "Pushing Daises", but I'm not sure. What do you think? Any shows that you could suggest?
Posted by Angela at 9:54 AM 5 comments
Labels: television
Cha Cha Cha Cha Change
Tuesday, September 4
Congo is creepy. I really didn't get that far into it. I ended up leaving town a lot later than I expected, so it was very very dark while I was driving in the boonies.
Gorillas chewing people's faces off+Dark woods+Weird looking moon=Paranoia.
This weekend I was able to meet the people Justin has been talking about since this time last year. They were so nice! I was even able to meet Justin's man crush: Matt, the bassist. I was very dissappointed with the amount of time Justin spent with Matt...after all he spoke so highly of him. It just didn't seem very "crush-like" to me. I guess that's what happens when you invite your wife. Overall, I had a good time.
I am supposed to be home with Justin right now, but I received a call today that informed me I'd be working all day. I'm finding out more and more how much I don't like change! I find my little cozy spot and want to stay in it. Today I had planned to get home, relax with Justin, and have enough time to make a big meal before he goes to practice. Now I'll just feel rushed.
I found out today that just because I have a student holiday, it doesn't mean my online course does. Not only did I miss a chat meeting on Sunday (which was okayed by the prof), but I missed a billion other things! Evidentally these people live on the computer because there were a lot of topics on the discussion board that I had no idea about. There was this survey I was supposed to fill out on Saturday, and an assignment due today. When did he announce this? It wasn't in the syllabus...I'm both confused and discouraged.
The hospital I work at has been advancing in technology. I used to say that part of my job was hanging films, but we are all digital now. Now my job is to answer the phone and handle paperwork. We started the process of going paperless this week. Am I getting weeded out? Although it will take a little bit of time to be fully paperless, it still worries me. I've started to grow frustrated with my job. I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything. People get x-rays 24/7. There is never an end. I never go home feeling like I've completed something because I know tomorrow morning we'll just be playing catch-up with all the x-rays taken that night. I'm not sure if I do any good for people. Every other job I've had just felt different. I know I don't want to do this for the rest of my life. I miss people. I miss serving people and knowing that there was a need met.
So I freak out about change. I let it ruin my day. I need to get over it.
I'VE BEEN MARRIED TO JUSTIN FOR ONE MONTH TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Angela at 2:40 PM 1 comments
A Little Behind
Friday, August 31
My friend Amanda would be very proud to hear that I watched the Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time.....and loved it! It took me a couple of days to watch because I haven't had much time to watch movies, but I was still able to enjoy it. I'm not really sure why I haven't seen this movie yet...I seem to always be the one that starts to enjoy something as it is nearing its' end--not to say that Pirates is ending soon, but there are three movies now!
For the last several months I've been getting into and actually following Gilmore Girls. That ended. I am starting the second book in the Harry Potter series, because I just read the first one last fall and loved it!
Am I cheating myself? Am I missing out on the feeling of excitement and anticipation towards the next release of whatever? Or is it an advantage to just watch/read things straight through once it ends?
Tonight I am driving to Livingston to spend time with Justin while he is on his gig this weekend. It should be fun! I hardly ever get to see Justin play his drums outside of worship on Sundays. I remember when I was able to basically sit through every practice Justin had. He is so talented! I love to be able to sit back and watch him serve the Lord by doing something he is so passionate about.
One of the doctors gave me a book on tape to listen to. So I guess I will be listening to Congo on the way up there. I never saw the movie (although I do remember Pepsi sponsored it) , so whatever happens will be a total surprise. I just hope the monkey doesn't die. Might Joe Young made me cry, and it is always awkward to show up somewhere looking like you've cried. It is about a monkey/ape/gorilla or something right?
Goodbye for now!
Posted by Angela at 3:26 PM 1 comments
Labels: congo, justin, movies, pirates of the carribean
Just An Update
Sunday, August 26
For your convenience I've split this post up into topics--which I'm sure that is how paragraphs are written anyway--so feel free to skip anything you already know. (afterall, I've neglected this blog for how long?) And I guess you can skip anything you don't care to know about too.
Married Life- I'm Angela Nicole Romack now! I love being able to say that Justin Romack is my husband, and I'm excited to experience life by his side. The wedding went by fast. THANK YOU to everyone that helped out and attended. The cruise was lots of fun! I think the ocean in Mexico looks like blue jello--so beautiful! It was my first cruise and first time to be outside of the US. I was a bit displeased with the only part I saw of Cozumel, because it was just one big tourist trap that had very little to do with the Mexican culture. We were both ready to get home, but there are days now that I just think, "Man I wish we were on that boat." Lots of pictures to come as soon as I get the film developed. Someone lost my digital camera during the hustle and bustle of the wedding planning so I had to resort to disposable cameras.
Justin's Surgery- The Wednesday after our cruise Justin had a cornea transplant and lens removal. The surgery was successful in the sense that there were no complications during the procedure. His vision is worse than it was before because there is so much blood in his eye, and it hasn't changed at all in the last couple of weeks. Justin had an appointment today and everything checked out ok. They did a lot of tests with flashy lights to make sure there is nothing wrong with his retina. The doctor said that some of his blood is absorbing!! They think as soon as the blood goes away his vision will be much better. Thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray for Justin's recovery, and for patience for both of us while we wait to see what happens.
School- For the past few weeks the both of us have been preparing for school. I've been filling out paperwork for the big name change, and financial aid stuff. School started today for me. Just seems to be a bunch of busy work this semester. I'm very nervous about my webcourse just because I've never taken one before. I do like the idea of getting lectures in advance so I can stay ahead of everything. I thought the professor forgot me on his role when he didn't mention me in the J's.
Last year was full of a lot of first's. It was my first time living off campus, and the first time for me to live by myself. The first time to have a dog. (because I was living by myself) I worked full time while going to school full time--I had never ever thought I'd be able to that before. I took a night class for the first time. I'm sure this year will hold a lot more first's for me. I'm looking forward to it! Maybe this year will be the first for me to maintain a blog.....but we shouldn't get our hopes up just yet.
Posted by Angela at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: eye, eye surgery, justin, school, update
23 Days, 557 Hours, 33461 Minutes, 2007662 Seconds
Wednesday, July 11
This last week has been really filled! Yesterday Justin and I had our engagement pictures taken....Here are a couple (non-edited) ones:

If you wanna see more just go to Stephanie's website. I can't wait to see the others! Justin and I had so much fun playing in the water and running around downtown Lufkin! I've always loved Stephanie's work, and I'm glad that I'm using her for my bridals on Tuesday.
I've been doing a lot of little things here lately....too many to recap. I will be moving across the parking lot on Tuesday to what will be our home. I have so much packing to do--I'm supposed to be doing right now. This Saturday Justin and I will be going to Arlington to have a shower with his family. I just realized how awkard that last sentence is...they have one of those family-sized bathrooms. I'm looking forward to spending time with them.
This morning I almost put my deodorant on my toothbrush.
Posted by Angela at 8:16 PM 4 comments
Labels: engagement, justin, pictures, studio 220
Problem Solved
Wednesday, June 27
Posted by Angela at 11:10 PM 4 comments
Labels: wedding, wedding stamp
My porch light went out a long time ago, and I still can't figure out how to pull apart the thing to get the light bulb out. Then my pantry light went out. And then my bedside lamp went out. And then my reading lamp went out. I haven't replaced any of my bulbs. So when I come home I have to get the door key ready in the car so I can see which one is which. I have to turn the kitchen light on to see what is in my pantry. I turn the hall light on to see in my room at night, because I don't like to use the overhead light for some reason. I only have one lamp to light my living room.
Posted by Angela at 10:40 PM 2 comments
Good So Far
Yesterday marked my 1 year anniversary at Anchor Radiology! I really enjoy working for the doctors, and I hope to be there longer. I get to see a lot of cool things, and learn facts that I will probably never use in my lifetime. Thank you Paul for letting me know about the job opening!

I also locked my keys in the car along with my dog. Justin has my only spare key. I had to call a locksmith and pay up 30 buck for 30 seconds of work. I had a scare though when they wouldn't take my check because it was from Nacogdoches. They decided to call back to the store or whatever and ask if it would be okay to make an exception for me. And evidentally the deciding questions were:
1. What color is she?
2. What is she wearing?
What?! I was offended for everyone. So after looking like a dog abuser for leaving Mandi in the car, and being looked up and down by a couple of teenage locksmiths, I drove to Justin's house.
I had so much fun hanging out with Justin's sister for the rest of the night! We looked for her bridesmaid shoes, and ate at Logans. (really busy on Monday's and Tuesdays, but a great deal) I can't wait for her to be my sister-in-law!
Justin is still far far away in Arkansas.
Posted by Angela at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: anchor radiology, mandi, work
My Busy Weekend
Monday, June 25
Friday- After work, I packed up, headed to Lufkin, met up with a group of people, and rode to Tyler to pick up my NEWLY ALTERED/IRONED/CLEANED wedding gown!!!! It is more beautiful than what I remembered to be plus it fits now. I was happy. I also purchased a very pretty dress from the clearance rack that is the exact same dress I am using for my bridesmaids, but a different color--I'm going to wear it for the formal night on our cruise. I ended the late night in Tyler with a delicious mint chocolate-chip shake from Brahms.
Saturday- Wow. Saturday was a really long day for me. I woke up early to get gussied up and make my hair appointment. I loved the new place I went to! This was my first time to try out Paradise Salon, and Kelli did a fabulous job! She was trained and worked as a manager at Toni and Guy. (I love that place!) I even made an appointment with them for my bridal portraits. After my haircut I went to get a manicure and pedicure. This was the only time I would be able to do this before my bridal appointment on Tuesday. Then I went to see Justin, eat some lunch, freak out, and go to my shower. First of all, I will say that it was GREAT! The decorations were beautiful, and the people were very loving. The shower was overwhelming though! Everyone wanted to talk to me, and watch me....."sit here", "go there", "look at this!" I enjoyed it, but I'm not one to want loads of attention. And I feel weird about having a party where people show up and give me gifts. It was fun though!I took the gifts to my parents house and then picked up Justin for his gig. I stayed with him for as long as he needed my help. Then I went to my parents' house to address invitations. My handwriting is still horrible (THANK YOU JUSTINA FOR YOUR BEAUTIFUL HANDWRITING!) and we didn't finish. I picked Justin up around 1ish, we left at 2ish, and arrived in Nacogdoches 3:30ish. I went to sleep at 4ish.
Sunday- I went to church, and then to Lufkin. Justin and I relaxed at his parent's house for a while, and planned a few details for the rehearsal dinner with his mom. We went to the mall to look at tuxes and buy his wedding band. The tux place was closed, and we had to wait for some more information before we could buy his wedding band. Justin and I went back to his house so he could get ready for his gig in Arkansas.
I worked all day today so that I could be off all day tomorrow for my bridal portraits. The studio called and cancelled because of the weather though. Now I am going to work tomorrow morning, and will still go to Lufkin to take care of some cake business, and reception stuff. Oh, and to finish those stinkin' invitations!
Posted by Angela at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: bridal shower, engagement, wedding
A TiVo Suggestion
Wednesday, June 20
Posted by Angela at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: so you think you can dance, television
Monday, June 18
Posted by Angela at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: engagement
Saturday, June 16
I just sent out my first batch of 'Thank You' cards today, and I am greatly disappointed in the selection of stamps since the price change. I know that people don't look at what kind of stamp you use on their letters, but handwritten letters sent via the United States Postal Service is a rarity (for me) and I would like to make it special by having a stamp that is wedding themed. It could be two birds kissing, a Hershey's Kiss, a heart, the word love, wedding bells...I don't care! I have nothing against the Liberty Bell itself, but the stamp is ugly.

Posted by Angela at 11:36 AM 3 comments
Labels: engagement, wedding
Tuesday, April 10
It's official! (it has been for several weeks, but I am blogging TODAY). The wedding date is AUGUST 4, 2007! Mark those calendars now people!
Wedding planning has been at a hault for the past week due to insane schoolwork. I couldn't imagine being engaged for a year and having to split my attention up between school, work, and wedding planning for two semesters! It is hard enough convincing myself that even though I want to devote every waking moment to my future, I DO need to at least think about starting to write the English paper that is due tomorrow. Well, that's how last week was for me anyway. I am frustrated with myself because I am a total perfectionist when it comes to my "work" and cramming photography, english papers, and production assignments into a few days did not display my best of effort. Now I'm just "if only" thinking...if only I had a little more time! Or if only I had started early like EVERY SINGLE teacher advised.
I got my dress! (again, several weeks ago) That was an interesting event in itself. As soon as I got in the car my mom's friend (yes she brought a friend...who by the way turned out to be a lifesaver) plunked several large catologs on my lap and seriously would not stop talking about what all had to be done for the wedding, the things I probably haven't thought of, and the items on the list that I have accomplished. I appreciated the help, but I really felt like a secret agent being briefed for my next assignment. A little overwhelming. The whole thing was is over, and I am extremely happy with the dress I chose! I never would have picked it out if I just saw it hanging on the rack or being worn by a model, but I knew it was the one when I tried it on. I'm sorry, I don't have a cool story about how the moment I saw myself in the mirror with the dress on "our song" came on or that I saw a glimpse of the Virgin Mary knodding her head...I just think it is pretty. And now it is hanging in my closet...crazy.
So now that I have my dress, I need to find dresses for my bridesmaids! This is a hard task. Reallyhard. I'm not stressing over it though....yet.
Posted by Angela at 11:20 PM 1 comments
Labels: engagement, wedding
He Ditched DW For Me
Monday, March 19
If you scroll down to the previous post you can see the exact spot Justin proposed to me. Yes, that's right....HE PROPOSED! Of course, all of you knew 10 years before I did anyway. So it really isn't a surprise to anyone.
For me on the other was a HUGE surprise! The very last thing I thought we'd do in San Antonio was get engaged. Next thing I know my loving boyfriend is down on his knee with a ring in his hand....I of course gracefully accepted. (yeah, don't believe that horrible impression he does of me...I did not ask if he was kidding....and I by no means kept saying, "Oh my goodness.") However there really was a woman who screamed...just don't listen to his recollection of my reaction.
I am super excited! It took me a couple days to get over the shock of his proposal, and realize that yes, the time has come....I will be planning my very own wedding....and most importantly will be marrying JUSTIN ROMACK!!
Unfortunately, tomorrow we have to leave our vactioness behind and go back to school. It will be hectic trying to plan for a wedding that as of now is scheduled for August 2007. I'm looking forward to the experience of being engaged and eventually married.
Posted by Angela at 12:04 AM 7 comments
Labels: engagement, engagement day, justin, wedding
Fiesta Time!
Thursday, March 8
A certain Luther Allison song comes to mind when I think about 5:30ish tomorrow evening. I'll be FREE for the weekend! Absolutely no radiology or school work will cross my mind while I'm...What ARE you doing this weekend Angela? I'll be relaxing in the one and only San Antonio, Texas!

Friday evening Justin and I (oh, and the dogs) will be leaving for San Antonio. Please pray for me because I have never driven to San Antonio before, I'll be driving at night, AND I am relying on my faithful TomTom to get me there.

Posted by Angela at 7:21 PM 1 comments
Labels: guide dogs of texas, san antonio tx
Another Dr. Pepper fan...
Saturday, March 3
Posted by Angela at 9:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: cousin, laura janisch
I'm Fine...AND YOU?
Thursday, March 1
I'm starting to realize just how fun "hands-on" classes can be. In my photography class I am learning to use Photoshop, and I have to say that it is so much fun! I am extremely impressed with my professor who goes out of his way to teach us by using his professional experience. Today he showed us how HE touches up photos in his studio. Unfortunately I haven't ran across too many teachers who do that...and I guess I'm reaching the point where it is beginning to frustrate me. I want to know how my professors have gotten where they are today. What things have they learned from this field they are trying to convince us is so amazing? It makes me happy to be able to use what I learn in class. :)
Oh, oh, oh! If you have been reading Justin's blog at all you'll know that we've been participating in Conversation Cafe. (a time when American students interact with international students to help them with their English) Another thing that is so much fun! And I think for the same reason. It is a time where everyone feels free just to ask others about themselves. The international students are so nice and are very willing to teach us about their culture and beliefs. They also want to learn about us! It seems that the English speaking students are even more open to each other about their lives. I enjoy listening to the students in my group and it really makes me feel bad that I haven't gotten out more. One chinese student was so surprised that I live in AMERICA and yet I have only been to a few states. They are in awe that a majority of us just stay in Texas while we have so much land to travel.
A couple students that I've talked with both times I've gone were explaining to me the importance of asking how someone is doing. One guy said that he was astonished that Americans say things like, "Whatsup", and "What are you doing?" when they greet one another. They said that they view it as meaning "What do you want?" or "Why are you calling me?" According to a chinese student named Bill, they've learned since middle school in their English classes that the proper way to greet someone (and the most considerate) is: "How are you?" and "I'm fine...AND YOU?" But when they come to America they find that very few people actually say that.
Posted by Angela at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: conversation cafe, school
The Rebirth of Pink
Saturday, February 24
One day I asked my grandma what her favorite color was and she said that it was blue. After that I started wearing a lot of blue. My 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Simms, told me that the color blue matched my eyes. (I suppose a concept that I had never thought of.) So then, my favorite color turned to blue.
Before I knew it, I was in high school and my wardrobe was every shade of blue imaginable. (my friends will attest to that) The only other colors I wore were the ones that came on my church shirts. Man, I even liked that song, "I'm blue." freshman year of college I rediscovered the color pink! Pink and I have rekindled what we once had. So all of this got me wondering what makes us like the colors we do. So I have done some heavy research using Google in order to answer my question. (what else is research?) And I have no answer! If anyone does find out the answer please tell me--I want to know.
BUT, I did find some interesting facts about Crayola. Did you know the average child in the USA will wear down 730 Crayons by his or her 10th birthday? (I always snapped them in half because I colored too hard so I doubt I made it that far) Also Crayola made several changes to the names of their crayons in order to adapt to the American society. And here is a video I found that explains all of that:
I always wanted to do the crayon naming contests when I was a kid. My favorite crayon was "Tickle Me Pink." Did you have one?
Posted by Angela at 10:54 AM 1 comments
Labels: change
In Today's News...
Wednesday, January 31
Posted by Angela at 10:03 PM 2 comments
Labels: beauty and the geek, blogs, pictures, school, television
Monday, January 29
I am very excited about this movie! I don't think it will be as good as the others, but I am eager to see what happens next in the story. They are already planning for the 4th one to be in 2010 I think...
Posted by Angela at 11:30 PM 1 comments
Labels: movies, shrek three