College Experiences

Thursday, January 26

Wow, this week has flown by! Classes are going very well...Political Science is still uninteresting to me. I KNOW I should be interested; I think it is very important to be educated about what is going on with our leaders. Everyone's probably getting tired of hearing this, but I LOVE my math class!! Theater Speech is a different class than what I'm used to. I've found out that the theater people are obviously more cultured than I am, and on top of that--they are kind of creepy. Don't get me wrong, I love those guys...just some of our exercises are weird. Today for instance, we became aware of the ground and laid on our backs in the dark imagining that a large glowing ball of energy was floating above us. Okay, all the exercises helped us to meet our goal...and maybe I shouldn't have used the word "weird" is just a different experience for me. (I kind of liked it too) To say the least I am looking forward to the rest of the semester in that class.

My brother, Bryan, graduated from Stubblefield today. I am really happy for him; there were times when people thought he wouldn't even do that. The graduation was obviously a lot smaller than a public school system's, but it definitely taught me a great deal about what Stubblefield is about. Many people view that place as a school where drop-outs go when they want the easy way out. Hey, maybe part of that is true...Stubblefield is also a place of hope for people. There was a 55 year old man that graduated. That man couldn't easily get into high school, but he really wanted to turn his life around and make something of himself. Some students dropped out of high school and joined the workforce quickly realizing that that wasn't a good decision for them...Stubblefield gave them the opportunity to finish what they started and not be judged by their peers. Pregnant teens go there because people at school judged them, and they still want to get their education. No matter what the reason is...whether lazy or not...I think it is important to know that Stubblefield exists for the good too.

School, Applications, and TiVo

Monday, January 23

CrossPoint was awesome last night! We are doing a relationship series called "Before You Say 'I Do'" and the first focus was on being a husband. Women around the room definitely appreciated what Michael had to say, and it made me think of different relationships that I know of and how they did not have Biblical love. Anyway...the boys (Tracing Mason) did a great job as well. I've always said that it is nice to have a fresh face up on stage every now and then. After CrossPoint the elders had made a fabulous pancake dinner...yum,yum...I'd rather have breakfast for dinner any day!

I think today was the first official day of classwork. Political Science is boring for me, and Math is more interesting than it has ever been! I can't get over the fact that we don't even talk about numbers. :) So far classes are great though; especially since I only have two a day.

After classes I hit the streets to look for a job. Everyday this is getting more and more depressing. There are only so many businesses in Nac. and I'm afraid that I'm about to run out of places to apply. PLEASE HIRE ME!

Justin surprised me and came over to my place to pick me up for dinner. It was weird having someone knock on the door for me. That's one thing I love about college though, I can walk across the street to eat. Maybe I should start walking across campus though...after dinner I settled in to watch a couple of my usual shows on TiVo...then I studied a little bit...and now I'm going to watch MORE TiVo before I go to bed...buh-bye!

That's A Wrap

Sunday, January 22

Man, this weekend was a different one...I'm kind of glad that it is over though! Friday I dropped my ASL 2 class because my Prof. said that it would be very difficult for me to catch up with everyone else since I took ASL 1 last Spring. So I just signed up for a Math class that has absolutely NO numbers in it so far! (that's what I like) I had my interview for notetaker/reader with disability services too. Heh, I bombed the notetaking test partly b/c I was nervous, and partly b/c I couldn't understand the tape recorder. On the other hand, I aced the reader test...neither one of those jobs are enough to pay my bills with, but maybe it will help while I'm turning in applications elsewhere. Most of Friday evening Justin and I were getting ready for the Heart's retreat. Right before the group was going to leave it started raining hard, I decided to go up ahead so that I could carry in the groceries and to hopefully get settled in. Another long story story short: I hydroplaned, almost ran into a telephone pole, and the only thing damaged was my passenger mirror.

I thought retreat went really well, Todd did a wonderful job. It was mentioned many times that he was the best speaker we've ever had at a retreat. You could really tell that he had put some thought into the sessions and planned everything out. YAY TODD!

Saturday came and everyone was really tired. When I got back to my dorm I washed all of my laundry, took a shower, and hit the hay.

I went to church this morning (still raining) and the lights went out for most of the service. The sound and projection still worked though, so we just worshipped in the dark. Justin (pastor) said that we'd continue to worship if anything short of a fire happened. I kind of liked it anyway. Well, there you have it is CrossPoint time!!

Back At School

Wednesday, January 18

Phew, the last several days have been very stressful and busy for me. Friday Justin and I moved back to our dorms. (by "moved" I mean dumped all of our stuff on our beds) Long story really really short I had to figure out how I was going to afford this semester, so I ran to the Financial Aid office to get some loans. Everything has basically been worked out even if it is the way I didn't want to pay for college.

This past weekend I was at the Wesley Foundation council retreat. Parts of it were fun, but because I disagree with a lot of what council does the meetings and moments after were driving me crazy! I don't have time now to go into anything in detail...just know that the weekend irritated me.

Yesterday and today were my first days of classes. Nothing out of the ordinary, just going over class expectations. (blah)

By the way, I left ETI...couldn't stand the management anymore! Now I am jobless and have been filling out application after application. I applied at the Sonic on North St. Monday and it looked very hopeful. The manager was nice, and funny...he said that he has to wait until his college students give him their schedules to decide what shifts he needs. I'm expecting a call from him Thursday. (I hope, I hope)

Alright, that's it for right now...gotta go to ASL 2!

It's A Laptop!

Monday, January 9

If you were noticing something different about my blog, it has GOT to be the fact that I've typed it on my BRAND NEW LAPTOP! :) Justin helped me pick out a laptop today that would fit all of my needs. I love it! It is a lot more updated than my PC and it is much more portable. I can now go to the library and type papers, study at the Wesley, or anywhere else away from my roommate for that matter. Oh, oh...I even have DESK space in my dorm room...yay! The only bad thing is that Napster and Rhapsody aren't working. I don't know why, but Justin couldn't figure it out, and I have to call the company tomorrow. Justin was very sweet and stayed at my house all day helping me install programs and delete the free trial stuff that came with it. (he's good w/ this kind of stuff)

Today we went to FUMC in Lufkin, and it was WAY different than what we are used to now. (that's not bad though) Saw some people that we haven't seen in a while...all in all it was a good morning. I've already explained what took most of my day up, and now I am ready to go to bed. Tomorrow I have to get a car inspection, vehicle sticker registration thing, appointment for defensive driving, and pay the bills. Oh yeah, I have to go to work too. Until then...

Word Searches Are A Life Saver

Friday, January 6

Today I went back to work, and could not stand it at all! I don't mind the fact that I'm calling people and being manipulative, but I DO mind just sitting there being bored all day long. They blocked the internet, games, messenger, and even stinkin' paint. Thanks to Cullen, I decided to buy a word search magazine, and it passes the time by like no other. Literally, that is the only thing I can do while I'm waiting on computer, no reading, no scrapbooking, no sewing, no nothin'. Hey, I'm not complaining, I'm not stocking shelves just gets monotonous.

After work Justin and I went to drop off the projection screen at FUMC Lufkin. Wow! It has been a long time since we've been there. (fyi: that is the church I've grown up at...I now go to Grace Bible.) We got to hang out with Todd for a while, talk to the Ferdens, Chris Caraway, Clay Walker, and David McElveen. Makes me really miss going to church there. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE GBC! I just miss seeing people that have known me for a long time, and have known me as Angela Janisch--not Justin (the drummer's) girlfriend. I can't wait until next semester, when I have a little bit more freedom to get more involved. (being on Wesley Council takes a lot of my free time up) As for right now...I must go to sleep b/c Larry has a vet appointment in the morning, and I have to go to work afterwards.

No Dogs Allowed

Thursday, January 5

I had so much fun yesterday! Sean (Justin's mom), Katie (Justin's little sister), Justin, and I went to the Metroplex for Justin's after-surgery check-up eye appointment. Everything was fine, Justin has been healing pretty well, but things are still kind of glareish for him. All-in-all his doctor seemed VERY proud of himself for the outcome of the surgery. :) Before the appointment, however, all of us went to the Parks mall so that Sean and I could get a haircut at Toni&Guy's. Oh my goodness! I have never been to a haircut place like that before. Tam (my haircut guy) took my coat, asked me if I wanted a drink, gave me a massage, styled my hair, AND gave me tips! I have never been pampered like that before. Then, Justin and I went to the Sunglass Hut and picked out some sunshades (Justin's treat, awwww) for half price. Yep, my first and only pair of Ray Bands!

Now to the title of my post...on the way back from Dallas we stopped at a gas station in Jacksonville. All of us wanted a snack and had to use the restroom. Justin and I were the last to walk in and as soon as we did the man (most likely the owner, but said that he wasn't) told us that Larry could not go in. Justin said Larry was a guide dog and that it was ok. Nope, the man told us that someone had to wait outside with Larry because no dogs were allowed in the store. I then emphasized the fact that he was a guide dog that helped Justin get around because he is blind, and that it was illegal to not allow him to come in the store. The man, STILL said that Justin and Larry could not go in. Sean then got involved and informed him that he was breaking ADA (American's Disability Act)...the man didn't budge. To say the least, Justin got the name of the store, we didn't buy anything, and all of us had to use the restroom somewhere else.

Whatta Day

Tuesday, January 3

I wasn't going to post today, but I just couldn't help myself! Phew, today was a long day for absolutely no reason. I went over to Justin's house to watch TV, play Mario Party, and to just hang out for awhile. Later on we went to see Fun with Dick and Jane was pretty good, not as funny as I thought it was going to be, but it was cute. I just loved being at the movies with Justin! It isn't often that we get to do stuff like that. :) Afterwards, Justin, Larry, and I went on a 3.2 mile walk in the neighborhood. (brrr!) And here I am now! I love days like today...just relaxing is fun, and Justin is a great guy to hang out with. (I LOVE YOU!) I better hit the hay because I actually have to go to work tomorrow, and you know how it is when you have to go back to work after a holiday weekend. HORRIBLE!

Me and My Furby

Monday, January 2

Today was very uneventful, so I decided to introduce you to a new family member of mine. She is my Furby. I LOVE HER! Justin gave her to me for Christmas and I'm afraid that he thinks he has opened a very scary door in our lives. What is a Furby you say? Well, for those of you who really don't know: A Furby is a toy that you teach english to and take care of. Right now she speaks Furbish, but soon she will know our vocabulary. Even though she's a baby, she can sing, dance, laugh, talk, tell jokes, and play red light/green light. :) My Furby can hear me, and has a mind of her own. When I first turned her on, all she would say was, "No!" Now she is happier than ever. Maybe one day you can meet her...until then, *bye-bye* <---that's Furbish for bye. (Go figure.)


Sunday, January 1

Yay! My hero, Justin Romack, helped me rid my computer of numerous pop-up ads and bugs...THANK YOU! I was starting to get very frustrated with this hunk of metal, but hopefully things will be better now. Nothing has really happened this New Years Eve/Day. I basically slept in as late as possible and stayed in my pajamas as long as possible. I finally got to use my Old Navy Gift Card today too. I love shopping--and who doesn't?--of course, it is a bummer when I can't find ANYTHING in my size. If my waste isn't too big I'm too short, if I'm not too short my waste is too big. Where do these sizes come from?! I admit, I have gained weight since I arrived at college, and I do need to at least exercise...but WHO was the person to decide on the sizes sold in stores? That is my question for the day....HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL! :)