If I Ever...

Saturday, April 29

~If I ever make my own CD I would put all the songs that I've butchered the lyrics to on there. Possible tracks would include (but aren't limited to):

* "It's A Good Shop, Lollipop"
* "Ba ba ba, ba ba ba-rant"
* "A Winga Wak, A Winga Wak" (In the Jungle)
* "I'm Not Crazy, I'm Just A Little Bit..."
* "I Love You Always Forever, Mi Re Do In Sunny Weather"

Of course, I'd have Marilyn Manson's "Lonely No More" as my cover song.

~If I ever join the circus I'd be a little girl clown who likes to play with elephants.

~If I ever go to the moon I'd make the first moon dust angel and take a lot of pictures! Oh, and in one of my pics of earth I'd hold my fingers up to the lense so it looks like I'm holding earth in my fingers.

~If I ever start my own business I would have a petting zoo that is not only fun, but also very educational. Every animal would have someone there talking about them in a fun way. Ummm, kind of like Sea World, but everyone gets to pet all of the animals. (not just certain kids from the crowd)

I Want to Know

Thursday, April 27

The end of the semester is near and I want to know what to do next. I'm currently looking for a job in Lufkin so that I can actually save money instead of spend it all on gas. Cotton Patch isn't going to work out like I thought it would. A weird thing happened though: I was up at First Methodist for .5ive this past Wednesday and I really wanted to go and just chat w/ Mark Gipson. (a member of the church that I've known since I was old enough to and my former boss) Well, everytime I walked up there something came up and I wasn't able to talk to him. Then Justin walked up to him and I followed...when he got up there he forgot why he walked up there and that gave me the perfect chance to talk to Mark. Basically what ended up happening was Mark started the convo offering me a job at the CLC this summer. Ummm, I didn't even have to ASK for a job!! So that was really cool...they are gonna see how many hours they can give me and if it is enough that would be a BIG blessing.

Here lately I've really been struggling with the fact that I still don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life. I really wish that I had grown up doing something that I was passionate about and could apply to my future. (teaching, music, sports...something!) Nope. I just I want ONE thing that I can work on and feel moved to pursue. PLEASE!! I'm just stuck right now taking classes and wasting MY money on classes that I may or may not use for my final degree. I mean, I LOVE serving people and always have...so, what am I gonna be? A waitress or a shoe-shiner?? Ugh.

Housing for the Fall still hasn't ironed out. I didn't get my scholarship from the Alumni foundation. Tuition is going up, up, up. IHOP has s-l-o-w business. I don't know what I wanna be! Bleh.

Just Another Day in Paradise...

Sunday, April 23

Sunday. Usually I get up and go to church, but today I slept right through my alarm! Why was today so different? Mainly because I didn't get off of work until between 4-5am. I couldn't go straight to sleep so I was really tired. After I woke up today I decided to look up a monologue to "workshop" on Tuesday. I have known about this assignment for months and I am just NOW starting on it. Bad idea? Yes. Can I pull it off? Hope so. Luckily I found a monlogue out of The Importance of Being Earnest. Now I just have to memorize it and practice the diction. I also have a test on Tuesday in my Communications class that I need to prepare for. I have already planned that Tuesday is MY "hump day"...once I get past that, it will be less stressful.

A good side of Justin being out of town is that I get to use his dorm room as my personal study room. Afterall, it is hard to memorize something when your roommate is playing Mario Sunshine and you are tempted to just sit there and watch. THANK YOU JUSTIN!

Crosspoint was awesome tonight! I love the new Ruth series that we are starting...the story is amazing. :) Michael tought us that when we are wondering "What's next?" (like we all do) we are fueling a void that can only be filled by the Grace of God. So, we are learning about God's Grace and how to react. That entire theme really hits home with a lot of people. I don't even know what I DESIRE to do when I'm out of college, yet alone what my degree will help me with. Even now, I may know where I'm living this summer, but what about the fall? Am I going to have to go to the dorms again? Or will I find roommates for an apartment? Some people are in relationships and just wonder where they are going. Is it leading to marriage or should they just cut it off now? Everyone questions their future...I can't wait to see what else God reveals to me in the book of Ruth.

The Search Begins

Saturday, April 22

Last night I stayed up too late completing my review and then playing Mario Sunshine. I am super clumsy at that game, but it is fun to play. Due to last night's adventures I ended up sleeping a little late today. Soon enough though, I was off to Lufkin to begin the great search for an alternative job.

I really forgot how much more there is to do in Lufkin than Nacogdoches now. There are so many places hiring people older than 18 it is crazy! Already I'm pumped up about this summer and hopefully will be able to save some money. I grabbed a lot of applications and will fill them out this week. I'm tired of going job to job so hopefully I'll land a job that I can keep for a while. Who knows?!

No more news on the apartment hunting. I'm kind of waiting now for things. I know that was just totally broad, but it is the best way to describe things for now. <--Still, very broad.

Justin seems to be having a wonderful time in Maryland. I am so excited for him b/c this is an awesome experience....not to mention a nice vacation. :)

I went to CVS and chatted with my mom for a while. This is her last day at CVS and she has been there over 25 years!! (I think that is right) The change of pace will be good for her and less stressful. She also, is 100% happy with my plans for the summer and that is a load off my mind. I'm the type of person who will feel guilty just thinking that someone is mad at me or if I've hurt their feelings. While at CVS I picked up some CUTE lip gloss and finger nail polish that was on sale for the spring. And yes today was...you guessed it! A COUNTRY DAY!

In Between

Friday, April 21

At this moment I'm in the part of my day where I've gone to school, ran errands, and am now in that little gap of time before I get ready for work. I am very happy to announce that my DPS problems are o-v-e-r! I just got finished turning in my driving record, so hopefully I am no longer on the naughty list. Classes went by very fast today! Since Justin is going to be in Maryland for a while I am trying to take extra-good notes so I can keep him up to speed before finals. I normally don't take notes in Poli-Sci and today I found out why: it is impossible! She skips around so much that I just get annoyed by the disorganization of my notes. Anal? Possibly.

Fridays at IHOP were once very fruitful. I am praying that we have some sort of business tonight. I have had FOUR days off this week, which on the surface might seem as a good thing, but no work equals no money. :( I'm not a money-hog but I've got bills to pay. It is looking more and more possible that I'm going to have to find a job in Lufkin this summer...in fact, I'm picking up applications on Saturday.

I've got a lot to do this weekend due to my procrastination. I have a test to study for, and a monologue to pick out and memorize. Yuck.

Well I'm off to do a little reading before work....buh-bye!

That Shower Feeling...

Tuesday, April 18

Well, I just got finished taking a shower after my first class of the day. Don't you just love that feeling after you've taken a shower? You feel clean, relaxed, and delighted at the fact that people can smell your shampoo from far away...yes, showers are fun.

If you've read Justin's blog you might know that we went to Dallas yesterday. It was fun learning the directions to different places. The more I go to Dallas the more I'm reminded how much there is to do there! I love driving around with Justin, and have a great time watching him drool over stuff in large music stores. Oh yeah, we ate at Taco Bueno on the way out of town...yum,yum! We were only able to have fun yesterday b/c his eye appointment was a success though! <---to see the details go visit his blog, if you haven't already.

Dorm life is driving me crazy right now and I am sure this stuff won't be eliminated even when I get an apartment. So maybe I shouldn't call it "dorm life". It's that time of the semester when everybody is kind of AAAH! and it is making me freak out too. Finals are just around the corner, my roommate is having more problems other than being sick 24/7, and now people are being picky about what the proper way to hang the toilet paper roll is. Maybe there is one, maybe there isn't. Is one way germ friendly? Or do we value convenience when we go to grab a piece of toilet paper? Could it look more appealing if we hang it over instead of under the roll? I could honestly care less either way. I just put it on however I feel like at the time. No worries, I went into the bathroom and now we have a nice little diagram drawn on the wall of how we should hand the toilet paper. I'm not mad or anything...just astonished that a person could feel that strongly about how everyone hangs the toilet paper.

Apartment hunting is getting nowhere...and based on gas prices it looks like I'll have to find a job in Lufkin for the summer. IHOP isn't having enough business to warrant me driving back and forth all summer. I can't stand looking for jobs and looking for a place to stay isn't much better. Humph, do people need to adjust to what the gas prices are expected to be? If they don't they might be sorry...but if they do they could be wasting their time. Yikes! I better get to class...have a great day everybody!!!

Oh the Frustrations...

Thursday, April 13

Today I got back my quiz grade in Poli Sci and my test grade in Math. (yeah, not so good) I also continued my apartment hunting. I am officially frustrated w/ it!! So I find these 3 bedroom apartments at a fairly decent price and they are fairly decent apartments as well....unfortunately none of these apartments are open for full time college students who don't have children or a spouse. I knew it was going to be hard, but this is more annoying than applying for jobs. I'm off Thursday so I will try again.

Work was dead as usual today. My manager scheduled too many people so she gave me the opportunity to go, but I said that I'd rather stay. We had a small rush near the end of my shift so that helped some. I found out my results from a mystery shopper. I was hostess the night he or she came so there wasn't too too much to judge....I didn't do too well though and neither did their server. So yes, mystery shoppers DO exist in Nacogdoches.

Justin ran by tonight to give me a CD of .5ive...the little I've heard so far sounds great! I love Todd's new song, and was able to see how Justin set up his kit. He sets it up different every time! Well, Justin left to go back to Lufkin. (he has an eye appointment in Dallas tomorrow) He won't be back in Nac until Fri. night, and then he'll leave to Lufkin again. Next week he goes to Maryland and I couldn't be anymore excited for him! Anway, he'll be out of town for a while and I accidentally didn't give his phone back to him. Oops. Now I can't even talk on the phone to him! Oh well, he'll have it back tomorrow when he gets back in Lufkin. I am just frustrated with myself.

Plus I keep forgetting to check my work schedule for the rest of the week...guess I'll do that tomorrow while I'm hunting for apartments. That's all for now...

Spring is In the Air

Wednesday, April 12

Not a bad Tuesday at all! I went to both of my classes this morning, ate some lunch, and then went to Emily's (a friend) to check out the couch and love seat that I was soon to buy. Yes, that is right people....I now have a couch and love seat!! It is my first piece of furniture to ever own that I bought w/ my own money!! Actually, I don't own them YET. Emily said that I could just give her the $100 before I pick them up in May. Not a bad deal for two pieces of furniture that aren't in too horrible of shape. After I got back from Emily's house, I decided to start apartment hunting. I didn't have much time left to find a lot out by the time offices closed, but I got a start.

Since I didn't have to work today, Justin and I planned to walk down Raguet and up North St. today. It was a lot of fun! We stopped at the church to take some pics (yep, MORE pics!):

This is Grace Bible Church--my church! We parked here for our walk.

Justin decided to participate in the picture-taking today. This is a great pic taken outside of GBC!

Isn't he just precious?!

Justin and Larry are a great team.


Okay, for some reason blogger won't let me upload anymore pics....so that ended that! Oh, we ended up walking 3 miles!!


Sunday, April 9

So Saturday was a pretty good day! I slept in a bit and then picked Justin up to head into Lufkin. Well, actually we went by Grace Bible first so that Justin could show Dave's friend the sanctuary. (I just talked to Kathy, Dave's girlfriend) When we got into Lufkin though, Justin and I dropped by his house and payed his mom a visit. After that, Justin, Katie, and I went to Old Navy, Best Buy, and then to John's baseball game:

Justin refused to let me take a "for real" picture of him, so I just got one of him thinking.

John's baseball game was fun, but we missed his homerun because we were late.

It seemed like John was at bat for a loooooong time. Oh, and this isn't just "little kid" baseball anymore, the pitcher was "picking off" people!!

We left right after we were able to cheer John to home.

After a few innings of his game we headed to First Methodist to meet Todd and then we were off to Justin's house to take Nick's prom pictures:

Nick, John, Justin and Katie. They were goofin' off the entire time so really this is the best picture I have of them.

This is Nick and his girlfriend Alex.

We stayed in Lufkin a litte while longer, but had to leave earlier than we would have liked b/c I had to go to work. Well that is all for now...Saturday was fun! :)

I Love My Boyfriend!

Saturday, April 8

Today was a lot better than yesterday! I just got off of work not too long ago which means we were FINALLY busy and I actually made a few bucks. :-D No mean people or anything today!!

Just for the record: I LOVE JUSTIN! He is the sweetest guy ever and he didn't even care that I smelled like syrup when I got off tonight. We went to Taco Bell to get a late night "snack". (yeah, not too healthy) I am extremely lucky to have such a loving, funny, smart boyfriend. :)

I know this was short, but it is past my bedtime and I'm goin' into Lukin tomorrow before work...BUH-BYE!

Had a Bad Day...

Thursday, April 6

Really, most of my day was pretty good. I went to my vocal class, took a nap, delivered my Defensive Driving certificate to the Woden courthouse (by the way, their courthouse was in a portable storage-type building), watched TV, and then went to work. The work thing is what made my day go down hill. I was in such a good mood at the beginning, but then people's attitudes got in the way. I was kind of bummed that I didn't have a section to wait on too...I understand that everyone has to share the "breaker" position though.

IHOP has just been so DEAD lately, which means I make below minimum wage. (blah) That gets me upset b/c I already have a hard time paying for my college and bills and I REALLY REALLY want to move into an apartment this Fall. I know everything will workout...it is just extremely hard not to envy all those college students who don't even have to get a job. God will provide though and I am very thankful for everything he has given me thus far.

Well I am off to bed and can't wait to start over fresh tomorrow!!!

American Idol--What Happened?!

Wednesday, April 5

Yes I have not posted in a while. No I do not feel like posting right now. To be honest I haven't really had anything to post about! On my days off I lay around or run errands, and every other day I run errands, eat, sleep, go to school, and work.

I have decided to start eating healthy. Lately I haven't been drinking many cokes, and I have been buying fruits and veggies to use as my snacks. My goal is to lose the weight I've gained just b/c of the abundant cafeteria food here at SFA. To me it is hard b/c I eat big portions right now and so my stomach is big...when I eat healthier portions I feel like I am STARVING! Hopefully I will get use to it soon though...

American Idol has been very dissappointing lately. I just feel like I am watching it so I can delete it off my TiVo. The contestants are picking the WRONG songs and they are just a bore. Hopefully things will spice up a bit next week...country week isn't as fun as I though it would be.

Until my next post...