Pictures of Me, Pictures of You

Saturday, March 29

Another week has come and gone. I have some updates, but for now I will post some of this past weeks pictures...

Justin and I had a big test this week. We didn't do too well. Probably because we delayed the inevitable--study time.

We were sitting around getting all of our study materials together and Justin decided to weigh himself on our horribly cheap scale. Well, we have noticed that it has not changed how much we've weighed since we bought it...not even a pounds difference! So I say, "I know, we can weigh something that we already know the weight to so that we can make sure the scale is accurate." Justin says, "Ok...You know, they say that the human head weighs 8 pounds." We weighed his head--10 pounds. Then we decided to weigh my head because "they" are wrong or Justin just has a big head. My head weighed in a woppin' 5 pounds. The 8 pound theory is wrong.
One of Mandi's favorite spots....which is why I have to often wipe nose prints off the glass.

Chili-cheese macaroni!! I love the sound that macaroni and cheese makes when you stir it.

Bicentennial Man-All three of us loved that movie.
Justin wanted to prove that our dog can be still and lovable. This is how we watched a good portion of the moviee. Why is it that the dog is on the couch and we're on the floor?
Justin captured his love for the TiVo in the picture, don't you think?
My man.

Yeah, he takes pictures of his shadow.

Beauty vs Geek

Thursday, March 20

Yet another season for Beauty and the Geek is here and I am excited! This is one of my favorite shows as most of you might know considering I've blogged many times about this.

I've come to one conclusion: CW can mix it up, take it to a new level, and "evolve" the experiment--and I'll still think it is a neat show.

This season it is Beauty vs Geek. At first I was worried, but after watching a couple episodes it is safe to say that not much has changed. Justin has even watched an episode with me! (he can't stand the show) Now the mystery to me is.....will the geeks still get a makeover???

Thanks to Justin...

Sunday, March 16

We are walking on a regular basis again!! Here are some pictures...

This is how Mandi looks when she wants to go on a walk.
Is this La Nana Creek? Not sure. Justin agreed to go on my favorite trails. He prefers to walk on what I like to call the "cement square". Bleh.

Larry doesn't like to walk on the trails either.

Takin' a looksie.

Any dog is willing to cheer up for a treat.

What is this thing? A giant blue bonnet?

Flowers are pretty. The best ones are yet to come!

It's Sunday

I just finished watching Meet the Robinsons and I loved it! Seriously people, I know many others have been recommending this movie on their blogs, but if you haven't watched it need to! I don't have kids and I loved it.

Justin and I have started that movie way too late at night a couple times before. I don't feel guilty about finishing it without him though because he didn't like it. He's crazy.

Spring Break went by too fast. We decided not to go anywere (partly because I had to work), so we enjoyed a less full Nacogdoches. We started to walk again. I can't say that I have enjoyed it. I also can't say that we didn't need it. I can't wait until the azaleas bloom a little bit more!

This semester is almost seems that this year is zooming by. I'm filling in for projection tonight at Crosspoint. In the words of J. Romack....

PEACE OUT (does that work for me? can I get by with saying that?)

A Gift From The Mechanic

Monday, March 10

After he replaced my cabin air filter the mechanic gave me this. I'm not sure if they normally give this out to people when they replace that part or he thought I had a baby and was trying to make me feel guilty for submitting him/her to all those pollutants.
Either way it STINKS. I have it in the office to cover up the smell of dog crate.

Trial Run

Inspired by David and Todd...

David had a post the other day with a link in it to another person's blog...I clicked the link and it said that I'd have to subscribe to Google Reader before I could read the blog. I was frustrated.

Todd posted about how wonderful Google Reader was.

I'm gonna give RSS feeds another chance! I used Bloglines before and it was annoying when I didn't get the updates for days and then all-of-a-sudden I'd get them at once.

This time I'll try Google Reader. I like Google so hopefully it will prove itself worthy. I like to read blogs the old fashioned way, but I feel bad that it takes so much time just to read blogs.

Now you must do your job and blog! (ya know, so I can see Google Reader at work)