In Today's News...

Wednesday, January 31

My absolute FAVORITE geek was voted off of the show today. I personally feel that he deserved to win because he made the most changes out of anyone. PLUS, his partner (or Beauty) wasn't extremely evil. This upsets me the most because I made Beauty and the Geek a priority over American Idol so I have missed all of the Paula drama. I will miss you Mario!
School is starting off pretty well this semester. I think I am going to enjoy most of my classes. The only class that I'm totally disappointed with is Advertising. I feel that the teacher is just reading the book out loud to us...I really wish she'd put some of her personal experiences in the read the book, show the book's powerpoint slides, give the book's tests mix. I suppose if that is all I have to gripe about this semester everything will be ok.
Speaking of classes I would like to direct your attention to a few links I have:
1) Photos In Progress-This is a blog that I have started so that I can easily view all of my assignments in my digital photography class. If you like to look at random pics just click on over there! Yes, not only am I not managing one blog, I am now not managing two.
2) Notable Or Not?-When I'm bored at work I like to look at Blogger's Notable Blogs. I usually find one blog that I want to keep visiting every now and then so I figured that it would be easier to put a link here rather than having to remember the address and type it in every time.


Monday, January 29

I am very excited about this movie! I don't think it will be as good as the others, but I am eager to see what happens next in the story. They are already planning for the 4th one to be in 2010 I think...