
Friday, December 23

I could think of no better way to start off a blog than to get tagged by Paul James and have to list 5 of my weirdest habits. So, with no further adou (or however you spell it):

1. I only eat one thing at a time on my plate.
2. I have to have a fan or noisemaker on to sleep, but I can't sleep with the TV on.
3. I clean temporary files off my computer at least once a day.
4. I read instruction manuals to EVERYTHING!
5. I create profiles just to read people's blogs.

Alright, there ya have! Unfortunately just like every forward/chain letter there is a catch. (I CAN'T stand forwards and chain letters by the way.) Now I'm suppose to tag 6 more people. I'm really not sure if I even know 6 people well enough to tag them but here we go:

1. Ben West
2. Kathy Womack
3. Danielle Draemer
4. Holly Johnson

Man, only two more to go! Oh well, that's all for today...