So Saturday was a pretty good day! I slept in a bit and then picked Justin up to head into Lufkin. Well, actually we went by Grace Bible first so that Justin could show Dave's friend the sanctuary. (I just talked to Kathy, Dave's girlfriend) When we got into Lufkin though, Justin and I dropped by his house and payed his mom a visit. After that, Justin, Katie, and I went to Old Navy, Best Buy, and then to John's baseball game:

Justin refused to let me take a "for real" picture of him, so I just got one of him thinking.
John's baseball game was fun, but we missed his homerun because we were late.
It seemed like John was at bat for a loooooong time. Oh, and this isn't just "little kid" baseball anymore, the pitcher was "picking off" people!!
We left right after we were able to cheer John to home.
After a few innings of his game we headed to First Methodist to meet Todd and then we were off to Justin's house to take Nick's prom pictures:
Nick, John, Justin and Katie. They were goofin' off the entire time so really this is the best picture I have of them.
This is Nick and his girlfriend Alex.
We stayed in Lufkin a litte while longer, but had to leave earlier than we would have liked b/c I had to go to work. Well that is all for now...Saturday was fun! :)
I'm so glad you have pics from this weekend. I was wanting to see Nick all spiffy in his tux. And that's a great pic of Justin!
Have a great week! =)
I just read Justin's latest entry and it made me sad. Do me a favor, and give him a hug for me! (not a kiss - we aren't kissing cousins - that would be really gross!) I can't stand when I know people are treating those I love wrongly. It makes me see red. I'm glad he has you there for him and those in your new church!
Have a good day!
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