The Search Begins

Saturday, April 22

Last night I stayed up too late completing my review and then playing Mario Sunshine. I am super clumsy at that game, but it is fun to play. Due to last night's adventures I ended up sleeping a little late today. Soon enough though, I was off to Lufkin to begin the great search for an alternative job.

I really forgot how much more there is to do in Lufkin than Nacogdoches now. There are so many places hiring people older than 18 it is crazy! Already I'm pumped up about this summer and hopefully will be able to save some money. I grabbed a lot of applications and will fill them out this week. I'm tired of going job to job so hopefully I'll land a job that I can keep for a while. Who knows?!

No more news on the apartment hunting. I'm kind of waiting now for things. I know that was just totally broad, but it is the best way to describe things for now. <--Still, very broad.

Justin seems to be having a wonderful time in Maryland. I am so excited for him b/c this is an awesome experience....not to mention a nice vacation. :)

I went to CVS and chatted with my mom for a while. This is her last day at CVS and she has been there over 25 years!! (I think that is right) The change of pace will be good for her and less stressful. She also, is 100% happy with my plans for the summer and that is a load off my mind. I'm the type of person who will feel guilty just thinking that someone is mad at me or if I've hurt their feelings. While at CVS I picked up some CUTE lip gloss and finger nail polish that was on sale for the spring. And yes today guessed it! A COUNTRY DAY!