Spring is In the Air

Wednesday, April 12

Not a bad Tuesday at all! I went to both of my classes this morning, ate some lunch, and then went to Emily's (a friend) to check out the couch and love seat that I was soon to buy. Yes, that is right people....I now have a couch and love seat!! It is my first piece of furniture to ever own that I bought w/ my own money!! Actually, I don't own them YET. Emily said that I could just give her the $100 before I pick them up in May. Not a bad deal for two pieces of furniture that aren't in too horrible of shape. After I got back from Emily's house, I decided to start apartment hunting. I didn't have much time left to find a lot out by the time offices closed, but I got a start.

Since I didn't have to work today, Justin and I planned to walk down Raguet and up North St. today. It was a lot of fun! We stopped at the church to take some pics (yep, MORE pics!):

This is Grace Bible Church--my church! We parked here for our walk.

Justin decided to participate in the picture-taking today. This is a great pic taken outside of GBC!

Isn't he just precious?!

Justin and Larry are a great team.


Okay, for some reason blogger won't let me upload anymore pics....so that ended that! Oh, we ended up walking 3 miles!!


Anonymous said...

You are both too cute!

Anonymous said...

yay for pictures! so very cute!