Whatta Day

Tuesday, January 3

I wasn't going to post today, but I just couldn't help myself! Phew, today was a long day for absolutely no reason. I went over to Justin's house to watch TV, play Mario Party, and to just hang out for awhile. Later on we went to see Fun with Dick and Jane ....it was pretty good, not as funny as I thought it was going to be, but it was cute. I just loved being at the movies with Justin! It isn't often that we get to do stuff like that. :) Afterwards, Justin, Larry, and I went on a 3.2 mile walk in the neighborhood. (brrr!) And here I am now! I love days like today...just relaxing is fun, and Justin is a great guy to hang out with. (I LOVE YOU!) I better hit the hay because I actually have to go to work tomorrow, and you know how it is when you have to go back to work after a holiday weekend. HORRIBLE!