That's A Wrap

Sunday, January 22

Man, this weekend was a different one...I'm kind of glad that it is over though! Friday I dropped my ASL 2 class because my Prof. said that it would be very difficult for me to catch up with everyone else since I took ASL 1 last Spring. So I just signed up for a Math class that has absolutely NO numbers in it so far! (that's what I like) I had my interview for notetaker/reader with disability services too. Heh, I bombed the notetaking test partly b/c I was nervous, and partly b/c I couldn't understand the tape recorder. On the other hand, I aced the reader test...neither one of those jobs are enough to pay my bills with, but maybe it will help while I'm turning in applications elsewhere. Most of Friday evening Justin and I were getting ready for the Heart's retreat. Right before the group was going to leave it started raining hard, I decided to go up ahead so that I could carry in the groceries and to hopefully get settled in. Another long story story short: I hydroplaned, almost ran into a telephone pole, and the only thing damaged was my passenger mirror.

I thought retreat went really well, Todd did a wonderful job. It was mentioned many times that he was the best speaker we've ever had at a retreat. You could really tell that he had put some thought into the sessions and planned everything out. YAY TODD!

Saturday came and everyone was really tired. When I got back to my dorm I washed all of my laundry, took a shower, and hit the hay.

I went to church this morning (still raining) and the lights went out for most of the service. The sound and projection still worked though, so we just worshipped in the dark. Justin (pastor) said that we'd continue to worship if anything short of a fire happened. I kind of liked it anyway. Well, there you have it is CrossPoint time!!