Halloween! I've always enjoyed the holiday...and today was no exception. Two things about working in our radiology department: 1. Halloween is extra fun because everyone is decked out in their skeleton shirts, and 2. EVERY holiday is fun because of free food/candy.
When I got home, Justin and I discovered that some mean people soaked our welcome mat in rubbing alcohol. Some of it was leaking into our house, AND it splooshes out when you step on it. It smells horrible. We may have to throw it away. That mat was there when we came back from our honeymoon, and I liked it. What a fun Halloween prank.
We went to our church's Harvest Fest tonight. It was fun seeing everyone dressed up. It was even more fun to see 5 year olds win multiple cakes at the cake walk...I think this one kid played all afternoon and walked away with FIVE cakes!
I was a little bummed that we didn't go on the hay ride. Man, but the cotton candy was good!

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