
Monday, October 29

Not much has been happening lately...

-Justin and I went to FUMC Lufkin's Pumpkin Patch the other day to pick out the "perfect" pumpkins. After much debate we picked out a nice medium one, a couple baby pumpkins, and a gourd. It was neat that Justin could see the colors and was able to help pick some out. Mandi ate the gourd on the way home though. Instead of using the pumpkins for Halloween decorations I used them for fall decorations....I love the fall!

-My birthday was this past week. Justin gave me a cool camera! So expect more pictures on my blog when I figure out how to work it....I missed having a camera. He also bought a couples' Bible that has a devotional every day for a year for newly weds. I love it! We went out to eat, and it was a fun day.

-This past weekend we watched Saw 4. (I know, I know..."What were you thinking?!"..."How could you subject yourselves to that?") It wasn't scary, and the ending was very abrupt. I really don't see how they could come out with more, but they are. I didn't feel as bad about watching this as I did about Halloween. And Luke from Gilmore Girls was on it.

-We've been better about going on walks here lately. It feels good to get back in the swing of things. I found a glow stick on our walk tonight and brought it home. Justin and I went to get something to drink and when we came back there was blue glowness all over the floor and on Mandi's paws. Good thing you can only see it in the dark. We checked her mouth and it wasn't glowing...so that is good.

This week is going to be busy. I have a couple tests and a paper due. Justin starts practices again. Our church's Fall Festival is Wednesday night and our small group is helping with the cake walk. That will be fun!

And now I have a Journey devotional to write because it is way past the deadline.


Anonymous said...

I hate to be the one to break it too you but wait until she pee's and poop's for the next couple of days.

Glad you enjoyed your birthday.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it will look like one of the dudes from the Blue Man Group came and took a dump on our lawn.

Wait - maybe one of the Smurfs would be better. Does anyone know who the Blue Man Group is? I think you probably know who they are, just not by their name.

Anonymous said...

No, I do not know who they are...unless they sang, "I'm Blue." Except that was Eiffel 65...not Daft Punk...and definitely not the Blue Man Group.

I don't like strangers taking a dump on our lawn.