
Tuesday, April 10

It's official! (it has been for several weeks, but I am blogging TODAY). The wedding date is AUGUST 4, 2007! Mark those calendars now people!

Wedding planning has been at a hault for the past week due to insane schoolwork. I couldn't imagine being engaged for a year and having to split my attention up between school, work, and wedding planning for two semesters! It is hard enough convincing myself that even though I want to devote every waking moment to my future, I DO need to at least think about starting to write the English paper that is due tomorrow. Well, that's how last week was for me anyway. I am frustrated with myself because I am a total perfectionist when it comes to my "work" and cramming photography, english papers, and production assignments into a few days did not display my best of effort. Now I'm just "if only" thinking...if only I had a little more time! Or if only I had started early like EVERY SINGLE teacher advised.

I got my dress! (again, several weeks ago) That was an interesting event in itself. As soon as I got in the car my mom's friend (yes she brought a friend...who by the way turned out to be a lifesaver) plunked several large catologs on my lap and seriously would not stop talking about what all had to be done for the wedding, the things I probably haven't thought of, and the items on the list that I have accomplished. I appreciated the help, but I really felt like a secret agent being briefed for my next assignment. A little overwhelming. The whole thing was overwhelming...but....it is over, and I am extremely happy with the dress I chose! I never would have picked it out if I just saw it hanging on the rack or being worn by a model, but I knew it was the one when I tried it on. I'm sorry, I don't have a cool story about how the moment I saw myself in the mirror with the dress on "our song" came on or that I saw a glimpse of the Virgin Mary knodding her head...I just think it is pretty. And now it is hanging in my closet...crazy.

So now that I have my dress, I need to find dresses for my bridesmaids! This is a hard task. Reallyhard. I'm not stressing over it though....yet.


Anonymous said...

just don't go strapless...it doesn't flatter my back-fat....oh wait. never mind