I have to follow a brand new television show this fall for my radio/tv programming course. As I said before, I am usually the one to watch a bunch of reruns. I've been watching Gilmore Girls, King of Queens, Family Guy, and Hannah Montana. Yeah, that's right...as much as I hate to admit it, I have been sucked into the "hey, I'm on the Disney Channel so I have to be a pop star" plot. So maybe this assignment will help spice up of life in front of the tube.

"Pushing Daisies": A baker puts to use his special powers to awaken the dead by helping his detective friend solve murder mysteries. Both his dog and girlfriend are a part of the living dead. With one touch he can bring them to life, but if he touches them again they will be dead forever.
I'm leaning toward "Pushing Daises", but I'm not sure. What do you think? Any shows that you could suggest?
You can't go wrong with Kelsey Grammer...and "Pushing Daisies" seems like just another take on what's already on TV. There's already so many crime shows, and even already ones with people that have supernatural powers. Plus, doesn't seem like it'd have much room to grow and keep your interest.
And didn't you used to not like Family Guy? Obviously, living in close quarters with Romack is already improving your quality of life.
Thank you for your input Jinx! However, you are very mistaken about Family Guy. I have always loved it! I think it is very witty...it is South Park that I can't stand. Justin IS the one who first introduced me to Family Guy a long time ago though.
Would you expect anything less, Jinx?
No crime show can beat Law and Order.
Sorry, sorry, sorry...I just thought I remembered Romack saying at one time that you didn't care for it too much. I am extremely proud of you though!
"Back to You." Definitely.
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