Movin' Along

Wednesday, May 10

Today was my dedicated "Move Out of Steen Hall Day." I thought it was going to be easy since I borrowed Sean's Expedition, but boy was I wrong! Evidentally I was able to cram more stuff in that dorm than I thought. It would have helped if I had been a bit more organized throughout the entire school year. Since I'm moving into Justin's house I had to drop a lot of my stuff off at his Town House for storage. No room in the Inn here in Lufkin.

To top it off today was VERY humid. At the end of the day I was glad that I had worn shorts. :) I am happy to be out of the dorm, although it had turned into my home. Steen became the place I felt most comfortable sleeping. Hopefully I'll find a roommate to get an apartment with so I won't have to go pot luck in a dorm again.

Tomorrow is my Poli Sci exam and I just got finished making the review. I will most likely study for the next hour or so and then hit the hey! TA-TA!!!