Little Demons

Tuesday, May 23

Nothing out of the ordinary happened to me today. I woke up, played Paper Mario, and went to work around 3:00. I was scheduled the Afterschool shift. For those who don't know, Afterschool is a program the CLC at First Methodist has for middleschool students that simply gives them a place to stay while their parents are still at work. Things were a little different today because the Lufkin HS senior breakfast is tomorrow and they had to decorate the facility. So.....we moved the kids to the contemporary worship building. (ugh) I'm not sure if it is because these are the last few days of school for them or what...they were horrible! Running around, trying to watch MTV, messing with the pool tables, running upstairs, breaking into the coffee shop and stealing big cups for coke, and so so much more. My thought was since we were in the WORSHIP building the students should respect the facility a bit more. THEY WOULDN'T LISTEN TO US! What makes it worse is that I do not look authoritative at all. I was standing at a table serving triple chocolate cake (the snack of the day) and I turned around to see a bunch of kids lined up behind me. I asked them why they weren't getting cake and they said they were waiting for me to get my piece. They thought I was one of them!! I guess I have to wear shoulder pads or something to look older....who knows!? All I know is that those dang kids pushed my buttons on purpose and made me not want to have kids that live up to the 6th grade.

After work I went home, sat around, made a trip to Walmart with Justin, Katie, and Sean, watched American Idol, and here I am now. I am really excited about the finale of American Idol. I really think Taylor will win based on the final performance tonight. Ya never know though...

I have to get up early tomorrow morning and go work the senior breakfast. That should be interesting considering I have to direct traffic or something. Free food may be involved though...and that is worth it to me!

Plans for Friday have evaporated like the water at NRh20...I got the day off, but we are no longer going. I'm not upset, at least I get to work at the doctor's offie and go to Nick's graduation. I might get some Paper Mario playing under my belt, we still haven't watched Saw 2!