This Week's Highlights

Friday, February 15

MONDAY: Pilates in the morning. I am so glad that I was doing this in the privacy of my own home...I'm probably the least flexible person you know. There was one technique where you are in a "scoop shape", hold your ankles, roll on your back, and then forward on your bottom. I was like a turtle that couldn't get up again.

A person I work closely with came to work with the flu! (fever and all) I wore latex gloves, bathed in hand sanitizer, and held my breath.

TUESDAY: So sore from the pilates, and off to class! I didn't know that a college class could have as much drama as our Interpersonal class did today. Half of the students have some scarily distorted views of how college should be. Harsh words were exchanged. Not much learning.

In my second class I was called "old" by a classmate. Evidently, married=old. Married w/ children=? You tell me.

I was still around the flu person at work. Latex gloves, hand sanitizer...the works.

After my night class Justin and I went on a short walk. I loved it! We went to bed EARLY.

WEDNESDAY: My early morning at work. Had the afternoon off! Justin and I cleaned the house and did some laundry. We are so happy to have a dryer now! We went on another walk. I fought all the last minute Valentine's Day shoppers at Wal-Mart. And was named "the best customer ever" by one of the cashiers.

THURSDAY: Valentines Day! We are celebrating Friday, but I had a few surprises for him to keep up the holiday spirit.

Our Interpersonal class was still filled with drama. The teacher actually brought in a counselor-type person to talk with us about The Problem that went down on Tuesday. Yelling. Excuses. Complaining. No solution. No learning. This unfortunately has a resemblance to when my class in 8th ran off the permanant substitute teacher. (does that make sense?) This class has started to be very stressful.

Tortilla soup, mexican cornbread, and cupcakes at work. :)

A long walk with Justin without our IPODs. White ground beef in the sink so we went to Taco Bell. One Law In Order episode. We organized our office for the recording with Carl. Too late to start Meet the Robinsons again. I had a full day of work the next day so I went to bed after helping Justin with music stuff.

FRIDAY: ?????????????? Our Valentine's Day and Justin has something planned!


Anonymous said...

Drama in interpersonal? Haha, things never change.

are people still complaining about the tests? "You need to know everything about everything about everything". I love that man!