Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

Wednesday, February 6

It has been a Chicken Little day so far. Today is my early day which gives me an afternoon off to have fun, potentially get something productive done, and actually see daylight (yay!). Unfortunately, my co-worker called mid-morning to say that she had been throwing up all night and she wouldn't be coming in to work today (boo). In my head I was saying, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

I had plans! We had plans! I didn't come prepared to spend an entire day here. I have a tiny lunch, no textbook to finish a big assignment, and now Justin can't start the process of getting his glasses until Friday.

Justin and I have been married for 6 months (yay!). And over the last six months I have realized what a selfish person I am! Yes, I would have admitted before that I have a tendancy to be selfish sometimes, but no way would I have ever thought that I am a selfish person...daily. I've always enjoyed serving others and putting people first. Now I am more aware of my selfishness thanks to my mirror--Justin.

The book our small group has been reading , Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas, touches on this subject a lot. Marriage has a purpose. That purpose being to make you more like God. One way marriage achieves that goal is by having someone there by your side 24/7 , you can't hide your "bad stuff", so it all comes to the surface, and you can't help but to notice it.

So I definitely noticed my selfishness today when my co-worker called for the first time just to let me know she'd be late because she was sick and I didn't even want to mention that she probably shouldn't come to work at all. I didn't say, "Oh don't worry about it. You are sick! You don't need to come in today." And thus the Chicken Little morning.

The sky is not falling. I'll be ok. Yeah I am bummed. But shouldn't I be a little concerned for my co-worker too considering she just had surgery and now she is sick?


Anonymous said...

I hate it too when a day gets turned around on you and seems out of your control. My work likes to spring that on us quite often. Hope your week gets better.