Justin and I have most of our classes together so...I need your help too! In our interpersonal communications class we are do a Perception Analysis. And that means I want to know what you think about me! People out there who read this and know me please answer the questions below. If you've already answered on Justin's blog you may not have to read the questions again because I copied them. :) Be HONEST!
1. What is your perception of me? How do you view me? What are my strengths and weaknesses?
2. What interactions and experiences with me have you had to form this idea?
3. Which of the categories would best describe me (if you feel multiple apply, then state the combination); sanguine (are enthusiastic, personable, and talkative, but they can exaggerate, restless, or be a bit egocentric), (cholerics are determined, have willpower, and are decisive, however, can be cruel, proud, and angry), (the melancholy temperament can include those who are sensitive, perfectionists, and self-sacrificing, but, they tend to be moody, critical, and seek revenge), or (phlegmatics are conservative, use dry humor, and are easy going, while they struggle with being stingy and indecisive). I understand you may not be able to answer this, and that’s ok. If you think you know enough about my temperament, than go ahead and answer the best you can.
Let me know if you have any questions about this and THANK YOU ahead of time for participating!!
****Notice: Justin has an appointment with his retina doctor tomorrow in Dallas. Please pray for our safety, and for Justin's results. His vision hasn't gotten any better. We hope to have some answers tomorrow....and we pray that they are good answers!!****
I Copy Justin Sometimes...
Thursday, February 28
I Heart Animals Too.
Monday, February 25

Posted by Angela at 4:06 PM 2 comments
I Heart Pictures
Sunday, February 24
I cannot describe the joy I get from looking at pictures. Family pictures, magazine pictures, children's book pictures--any type of picture. I love to look at snippets of other people's lives and mine.

Posted by Angela at 5:30 PM 1 comments
Labels: national geographic, pictures
The BEST Pop Tarts Ever!
Thursday, February 21
Posted by Angela at 2:43 PM 4 comments
Justin Update
Monday, February 18
Good news! Justin and his mom made it safely to Dallas. There is no scar tissue, and the doctor doesn't expect anything to be wrong with Justin's retina. There is inflammation in his eye though, which the doctor thinks is the cause of his vision loss. (when your eye is inflamed the usually clear liquid is cloudy which can give you blurred vision)
Justin is going to be on oral steroids to hopefully solve the problem, but if that doesn't work his retina doctor will have to give him an eye injection.
Now we just have to wait and see what happens and there are two checkup appointments set up for next week.
Please continue to pray for Justin and his mom to have a safe return home, and for Justin's vision. Thank you!
Posted by Angela at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: eye, eye appointment, justin, update
Please keep Justin in your prayers today. He is going to the metroplex for his regular eye exam. Recently he has had a loss of field vision though. That means there is this black spot in his sight that he can't see through. Based on his experience, Justin thinks it could be one of two things: 1) scar tissue growing back (bad, because he got his lens removed to prevent this), 2) his retina detached (worse because it may not be able to be repaired again). Hopefully his doctor will be able to give him a reason for his loss of vision.
Please pray for he and his mom's safety as they travel to and from the appointment. Also please pray for Justin's vision and for the doctors' ability to discern and treat the problem.
Thanks you guys...I'll keep you updated as I hear from him. (I'm at work b/c my coworker had an emergency....pray for that too)
Posted by Angela at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: eye, eye appointment, justin, prayer
This Week's Highlights
Friday, February 15
MONDAY: Pilates in the morning. I am so glad that I was doing this in the privacy of my own home...I'm probably the least flexible person you know. There was one technique where you are in a "scoop shape", hold your ankles, roll on your back, and then forward on your bottom. I was like a turtle that couldn't get up again.
A person I work closely with came to work with the flu! (fever and all) I wore latex gloves, bathed in hand sanitizer, and held my breath.
TUESDAY: So sore from the pilates, and off to class! I didn't know that a college class could have as much drama as our Interpersonal class did today. Half of the students have some scarily distorted views of how college should be. Harsh words were exchanged. Not much learning.
In my second class I was called "old" by a classmate. Evidently, married=old. Married w/ children=? You tell me.
I was still around the flu person at work. Latex gloves, hand sanitizer...the works.
After my night class Justin and I went on a short walk. I loved it! We went to bed EARLY.
WEDNESDAY: My early morning at work. Had the afternoon off! Justin and I cleaned the house and did some laundry. We are so happy to have a dryer now! We went on another walk. I fought all the last minute Valentine's Day shoppers at Wal-Mart. And was named "the best customer ever" by one of the cashiers.
THURSDAY: Valentines Day! We are celebrating Friday, but I had a few surprises for him to keep up the holiday spirit.
Our Interpersonal class was still filled with drama. The teacher actually brought in a counselor-type person to talk with us about The Problem that went down on Tuesday. Yelling. Excuses. Complaining. No solution. No learning. This unfortunately has a resemblance to when my class in 8th ran off the permanant substitute teacher. (does that make sense?) This class has started to be very stressful.
Tortilla soup, mexican cornbread, and cupcakes at work. :)
A long walk with Justin without our IPODs. White ground beef in the sink so we went to Taco Bell. One Law In Order episode. We organized our office for the recording with Carl. Too late to start Meet the Robinsons again. I had a full day of work the next day so I went to bed after helping Justin with music stuff.
FRIDAY: ?????????????? Our Valentine's Day and Justin has something planned!
Posted by Angela at 1:49 PM 1 comments
Labels: update
Shopping Smopping
Saturday, February 9
Yesterday Justin and I went shopping in Lufkin. I hate shopping. I love the idea of shopping though. The thought of stuffing several bags into our car, hanging them up at home, and wearing fresh new clothes. So, I trick myself into thinking that I want to go shopping. Poor Justin, if only you asked him how many times I've elected to go shopping and then we get there and I change my mind. Why don' t I like shopping? I mean, aren't I supposed to? Here's why:
1. It is important to me that I pick clothes out that are modest. Does that even exist? Pants are made to be low and tight. Shirts are made to be high, low, and tight. So I usually find only one article of clothing at any given store.
2. When I find something that I feel are both cute and modest....it isn't in my size! My body must be shaped oddly if I can't find anything in my size.
3. Is it possible to buy a shirt without "100% Angel" or "Foxy" written on them? I don't want to be pessimistic, but....I doubt it.
So Justin and I left the mall with a few shirts. The both of us feeling very bummed.
While I was getting Mandi settled at my in-laws yesterday I found a Pilates DVD! I've read up on what pilates is and have discovered it is a mixture of yoga and martial arts techniques. It focuses a lot on breathing techniques, spinal alignment, and elongating your muscles instead of making them short and bulky. When I think of the breathing techniques I can't help but to remember my voice class where we had to imagine the "floating orb above us come into our bodies and travel down"....and that sort of seems weird to me...nonetheless, I plan to do floor mat pilates every morning! I'm not one to pick up things that are "trendy", but stretching has always made me feel good.
I will wake up each morning starting tomorrow, do pilates, quiet time, brisk walk (maybe even nudge Justin out of bed for that), and start my day! Even as I type this I remember how fun it was to sleep in this morning...
Posted by Angela at 10:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: shopping
Mirror, Mirror On the Wall
Wednesday, February 6
It has been a Chicken Little day so far. Today is my early day which gives me an afternoon off to have fun, potentially get something productive done, and actually see daylight (yay!). Unfortunately, my co-worker called mid-morning to say that she had been throwing up all night and she wouldn't be coming in to work today (boo). In my head I was saying, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"
I had plans! We had plans! I didn't come prepared to spend an entire day here. I have a tiny lunch, no textbook to finish a big assignment, and now Justin can't start the process of getting his glasses until Friday.
Justin and I have been married for 6 months (yay!). And over the last six months I have realized what a selfish person I am! Yes, I would have admitted before that I have a tendancy to be selfish sometimes, but no way would I have ever thought that I am a selfish person...daily. I've always enjoyed serving others and putting people first. Now I am more aware of my selfishness thanks to my mirror--Justin.
The book our small group has been reading , Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas, touches on this subject a lot. Marriage has a purpose. That purpose being to make you more like God. One way marriage achieves that goal is by having someone there by your side 24/7 , you can't hide your "bad stuff", so it all comes to the surface, and you can't help but to notice it.
So I definitely noticed my selfishness today when my co-worker called for the first time just to let me know she'd be late because she was sick and I didn't even want to mention that she probably shouldn't come to work at all. I didn't say, "Oh don't worry about it. You are sick! You don't need to come in today." And thus the Chicken Little morning.
The sky is not falling. I'll be ok. Yeah I am bummed. But shouldn't I be a little concerned for my co-worker too considering she just had surgery and now she is sick?
Posted by Angela at 10:37 AM 1 comments
Labels: small group, work
My Favorite Romance Movies
In no particular order...

SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE: I can't help but to go "awwwww" when I think of this movie. (that was an affectionate "awwww" not a disappointed one)

Posted by Angela at 9:39 AM 2 comments
Labels: movies, romance movies
Bloggin' It Up!
Tuesday, February 5

Posted by Angela at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: 6yearmed, blogs, girltalk, reluctant entertainer