Great Day, Great Book

Friday, March 3

Gotta love off days! After I went to my theater class I came back to the dorm room and took a loooong nap. Around 2:30 I decided to get ready to seize the day! Brad Anderson (Justin's best "bud") gave Justin and me a ride to Lufkin to pick up the Expedition. Unfortunately, Nick (Justin's brother) had been out driving around in it, so we were running a bit late. Since they were unable to clean the Expedition, Justin, Katie, and I headed to Wal-Mart to buy a few supplies. A few minutes later we were on the road hunting for the "perfect" car wash to visit after dark. Settling for the one on Timberland we cleaned that sucker until it was sparkling! Several errands after that, Justin and I were on the way back to Nacogdoches....

Man, oh man! I just finished reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, and I have to say that I am actually sad that there are no more chapters. For those of you who don't know and/or don't feel like clicking on the link Redeeming Love is basically a fictional story based off of the book of Hosea. I absolutely would not have been able to put this book down if I didn't have things to do! The way Francine Rivers was able to capture and make the reader feel a taste of God's love amazed me. Reading this book has made me want to go back and read Hosea again. I'm sure I will look at it from a different light this time. Sometimes, it is just hard to think of the people in the Bible as real people who have lived before and had the same reactions to things as we would today. I think that is very important: being able to read the Bible and first understand it for what it simply is....not trying to read within the lines. These people were real even though they lived so long ago. If watching a movie or reading a book can kind of "suck us in" to what is happening...why shouldn't the Bible?