The Tale of the Tail Light

Wednesday, July 23

It all began a couple of years ago with a dumpster. I backed into it. Yes, it was a careless, turned wreckless, and finally hopeless event. Oh yeah, it was in broad daylight and I wasn't intoxicated. The driver's tail light was smashed! And so I patched it up the way my momma taught me--red tape.

Inspection time came and I went to the most reliable and yet not-so-thorough place in Lufkin to get the job done. It passed! And the next year it passed again!

This year was different though. It did not pass. And it has gone unfixed.

Until I got a ticket. Justin decided to then promptly order a brand new tail light. We waited and waited and waited. We also found out that DHL no longer delivers to this area. In fact, it was shipped from Illinois, to Waco, TX to San Antonio, TX to Ohio to Dallas, TX....and TODAY WE GOT IT!

[Justin fixed it up]

[Yes, after a hot 30 minutes, we had conquered the tail light]

It all began with and dumpster...and today it ended with one!! And now to get that side mirror fixed.....