My Friday

Friday, July 25

I have always enjoyed the "My Friday" posts over on the Todd Blog. How else can a girl find out what The Wrights are up to? Call? Email? Visit? Surely not...

Once a week you are guaranteed to find a post that's not about music, chicken sandwiches, or cool movies. And I like it! Some might find it stalker-ish, but I like to read about what people are up to. How was your day like? I don't want crazy details or anything...but there is something to say about how a person spends their free time. Anyway, that is why I like "My Friday" AND that is why I have decided to take Todd up on the My Friday Movement. That and I was put on the spot when Justin was talking to him on the phone.

Let me preface this by saying that my Fridays aren't full of free time. Friday is actually the busiest day in the radiology department. Therefore, I usually get home later than 5pm with not much time to have a whole list of cool things accomplished like sitting on my porcelain throne, a trip to the zoo, or a long drive back to Lufkin. So this shall be short and choppy...

I woke up later than I wanted to today. 8:50am to be exact. I showered, got dressed, took the dogs out, and sped off to work around 10:20am. (making sure to kiss my husband before I left...I think)

Work was slower than usual today, but still busy with PetCTs and all. I basically sat around listening to opera music, answered phone calls, listened to a lot of complaining, filled out paperwork, and surfed the internet all day. Oh, I had creamy chicken noodle soup for lunch and I have never noticed how disgusting it looks when it falls out of the can. Gross.

I got home around 5:30pm to a husband and two dogs that needed to go "busy". Wait, that sounds all wrong...Justin didn't need to go "busy", just the dogs. So we took them out, fed them, and planned our trip to Wal-Mart. At this point I was not in a good mood at all. I Wal-Mart after a long day of opera music. We bought big blinds to replace the ones on the patio door and a shower curtain liner. Big spendas!

After that we went to Taco Bueno. That is Justin's compromise with me. Because I love me some Taco Bell, but for some reason he disagrees with me.

We came home and ate our Bueno. We tidied the house up a bit. Then I freaked out because Mandi was playing with a baby lizard. I DO NOT LIKE LIZARDS! She killed it after ripping its' tail off. (which was still wiggling)

Drill Bit Taylor was the movie of the night! I liked it. I really wanted to see a drama tonight, but we were limited to Red Box picks only. :( The movie was slow at times...but I love watching any movie so it was fun!

And that was MY Friday!

TGIF. And now go watch some Boy Meets World for me!


Anonymous said...

Whoa! What a day!

Your day was way cooler than Justin's...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good day! I. hate. going. to. Walmart. too. =)