So far this weekend has been a complete waste. When I went home yesterday I wasn't feeling well anymore. I kind of bummed around the house the entire day.....first I'd be in bed, then I'd go to the couch, then I would go into the office where Justin was. I didn't get anything accomplished. The only reason we really got one load of the laundry done was because Justin was determined to do so. I did get to watch Beauty and the Geek though. I think that was one goal I had for yesterday. And I think I might have made Justin semi-interested in the show too.
Today I'm back at work. I feel a little bit better. I wish I were at church. I can't wait to get back home. Hopefully, I will get a little bit more done today. My co-worker is still in the hospital, and I'm not really sure when she'll be out. She didn't look too good yesterday. I feel bad for her. I'm probably going to have to miss school tomorrow and work all day.
Complete Waste
Sunday, September 30
Posted by Angela at 11:40 AM 2 comments
Labels: beauty and the geek, justin, work
Friday + Weekend Forecast
Saturday, September 29
I got off of work early yesterday! It surprised Justin, and I was so happy to finally say hello to my weekend off!....that is until I found out that my co-worker was admitted into the hospital, and I'd be working the weekend. I was so disappointed. I'm not sure how long she'll be in the hospital at this point, but please pray that she is taken care of and gets better. It would be best if she didn't have to have her surgery earlier than planned. So I'm working this weekend....luckily, the weekend shift doesn't take too much time out of your entire is just for the morning. (unless I'm called back to the hospital, which never happens)
Justin and I went to Lufkin to eat double decker tacos with his family. First, we went by the Wright's house and visited for a while. Their children are so adorable! We hurried to Pet Smart and bought some dog food. I wanted to buy some halloween treats for Mandi, but we were in too much of a hurry....that'll have to wait until next time. (like she needs more treats anyway) We then went to his parents' house, and enjoyed visiting/eating with them. He tried to fix their internet again, but it is hopeless.
We headed back to Nacogdoches around 10 or so. I was starting to feel really bad. Justin was sick most of the week, and now I have the congested-sore throat-headache-coughing junk which is apparently going around the school. When we got home, we discovered that our neighbor--nicknamed Bass-ey, Mc Bass-ington for playing her music too loud--was throwing a party. I took some medicine and started to watch a little Gilmore Girls. I fell alseep early on in the episode....and all I remember after that is hearing Justin mess with his drums in the living room, and then taking some NyQuil because I felt worse.
I feel much better this morning! Hopefully I can do some laundry today, relax with Justin, and catch up on some of my missed TV shows from this last week. (yay for Beauty and the Geek!) Other than that we don't have much planned.....sometimes an unplanned weekend is best!
Posted by Angela at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: bassey mcbassington, justin, work
Wednesday, September 26

Ever since then I have been calling in an attempt to make another appointment. Either they don't answer the phone because they are so busy, or she is booked. I just left another message and I'm sure they are tired of hearing from me. Do you think they hate me? Have I lost all of my credibility because of my tardiness and I now have to "know someone" to get back in? This reminds me of a King of Queens episode where Carrie isn't welcomed at a nail salon because she yelled at one of the workers....and then all of the nail salons in the city were all-of-a-sudden "booked".
I need a haircut bad....and I'm one step from joining Justin at Milford's this Saturday. (not really)
Posted by Angela at 4:23 PM 2 comments
Straight From Kidd Kraddick....
Tuesday, September 25
Posted by Angela at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: kidd kraddick
Angela Boone Romack
Sunday, September 16
Man of the Year was a pretty good movie. It wasn't the kind of funny we were expecting. Justin thought the first half was boring. I think the movie ended abruptly...but I might have fallen asleep for a few minutes. There were a lot of funny spots. It was more suspenseful than I thought it would be. Not really a movie that will "stick" with me. I'm glad we rented it.
SUNDAY: I went to church. Then Justin and I went to Cotton Patch with Brad. I'm not really happy with my food selection...I kind of wish I would have gotten a salad. I love tomatoes! I came home, took a nap, watched Gilmore Girls, and met my astronomy class online.
My loving husband brought me Chicken Express, and then told me that I look like Daniel Boone. His exact words were, "...your hair looks like a coon hat."

What do YOU think?
Posted by Angela at 9:16 PM 2 comments
Labels: justin, man of the year, movies, update
What To Watch?
Thursday, September 6
I have to follow a brand new television show this fall for my radio/tv programming course. As I said before, I am usually the one to watch a bunch of reruns. I've been watching Gilmore Girls, King of Queens, Family Guy, and Hannah Montana. Yeah, that's much as I hate to admit it, I have been sucked into the "hey, I'm on the Disney Channel so I have to be a pop star" plot. So maybe this assignment will help spice up of life in front of the tube.

"Pushing Daisies": A baker puts to use his special powers to awaken the dead by helping his detective friend solve murder mysteries. Both his dog and girlfriend are a part of the living dead. With one touch he can bring them to life, but if he touches them again they will be dead forever.
I'm leaning toward "Pushing Daises", but I'm not sure. What do you think? Any shows that you could suggest?
Posted by Angela at 9:54 AM 5 comments
Labels: television
Cha Cha Cha Cha Change
Tuesday, September 4
Congo is creepy. I really didn't get that far into it. I ended up leaving town a lot later than I expected, so it was very very dark while I was driving in the boonies.
Gorillas chewing people's faces off+Dark woods+Weird looking moon=Paranoia.
This weekend I was able to meet the people Justin has been talking about since this time last year. They were so nice! I was even able to meet Justin's man crush: Matt, the bassist. I was very dissappointed with the amount of time Justin spent with Matt...after all he spoke so highly of him. It just didn't seem very "crush-like" to me. I guess that's what happens when you invite your wife. Overall, I had a good time.
I am supposed to be home with Justin right now, but I received a call today that informed me I'd be working all day. I'm finding out more and more how much I don't like change! I find my little cozy spot and want to stay in it. Today I had planned to get home, relax with Justin, and have enough time to make a big meal before he goes to practice. Now I'll just feel rushed.
I found out today that just because I have a student holiday, it doesn't mean my online course does. Not only did I miss a chat meeting on Sunday (which was okayed by the prof), but I missed a billion other things! Evidentally these people live on the computer because there were a lot of topics on the discussion board that I had no idea about. There was this survey I was supposed to fill out on Saturday, and an assignment due today. When did he announce this? It wasn't in the syllabus...I'm both confused and discouraged.
The hospital I work at has been advancing in technology. I used to say that part of my job was hanging films, but we are all digital now. Now my job is to answer the phone and handle paperwork. We started the process of going paperless this week. Am I getting weeded out? Although it will take a little bit of time to be fully paperless, it still worries me. I've started to grow frustrated with my job. I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything. People get x-rays 24/7. There is never an end. I never go home feeling like I've completed something because I know tomorrow morning we'll just be playing catch-up with all the x-rays taken that night. I'm not sure if I do any good for people. Every other job I've had just felt different. I know I don't want to do this for the rest of my life. I miss people. I miss serving people and knowing that there was a need met.
So I freak out about change. I let it ruin my day. I need to get over it.
I'VE BEEN MARRIED TO JUSTIN FOR ONE MONTH TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Angela at 2:40 PM 1 comments