The work music for today selected by one of our doctors is Blues. Which, in my opinion, is much better than yesterday's 1935 Prison Music On the Brazos. Sometimes it is hard for me to have the right attitude at work and prison music just doesn't help....blues....prison music....does anyone see the theme?
But work is NOT bad!! My co-worker came back from her surgery this week! And I am so happy that I am not working all the time now. It is nice to wake up at the same time as Justin and eat breakfast with him. This week and next week the plan is for me to just enjoy sleeping in on days I don't have class. After that, I think we might go to the gym on campus at least one morning a week. I'm excited to see all the cool new stuff SFA has in the Health Center!
This weekend will be my first weekend off in a long long time! We don't know what we are going to do yet, but it will be something fun I'm sure to celebrate my off-ness. Justin has thrown out several ideas, but it is up to me and I can't make up my mind. Shopping? Stay home? Visit family? We'll see.
For those of you that only read this to get school updates (I know who you've already admitted it): Classes are going well. Things are picking up and I had my first test today. We studied. I didn't do well, but from the looks of it no one did because tons of people were cheating. I don't understand that. I'm enjoying my classes and I think my favorite so far is Interpersonal Communications...the professor is so nice.
Less work. More time with Justin. More opportunity for quiet times. Loving classes. So many things to be thankful for!
Thursday, January 31
Posted by Angela at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Chinese New Year

Posted by Angela at 2:58 PM 1 comments
Labels: national geographic, pictures
Saturday, January 19
Posted by Angela at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: cheaper by the dozen, movies
Life And Such
Thursday, January 17
This morning Justin and I were going to be ahead of the game. We knew we would be doomed if we were late to our first class. So, I woke up and went to work to get things organized while Justin got ready for school. Our plan was to be able to relaxe before going to school, eat some waffles, and just talk a little. Ya know, instead of running around the house grabbing all of our stuff last minute like we normally do. It is amazing how one little thing will mess up your plans. Instead of eating breakfast and just sitting around before class we went outside and ran...
After Mandi. I accidentally let her out. Loose. Running crazily around the apartment complex. Eating dirt. Sniffing dogs.
Now at this point usually, (this has happened before, but doesn't happen often) obedience is out the window. There is no way we could possibly ever get her to obey our commands when she knows she is free. So we just try to trick her. First, we leave our front door open. Then, Justin and I run around the complex until she chases after us and into the house we run! This time Larry thought it would fun to run around with Mandi. (what? we have another dog? you mean we can't leave the door open?) We had to yell at Larry to go to his bed. And after so so many frustrating moments I finally got Mandi in the house and in her stinkin' crate. I would have normally let this ruin my morning, but Justin was so patient and caring that I couldn't let it.
When it comes to school I am very encouraged! I am taking more communication classes, but a different kind: Interpersonal Communications and Human Communication. Up until now I've been taking mainly broadcasting communication classes and well, the classes I'm taking this semester seem to be a bit deeper. It is refreshing to have classes that aren't just about the business of programming to attract audiences just to make more money. PLUS, my teachers for those classes are awesome....1) they are Believers, 2) they are actually invested in the students. Dr. Towns quote: "That is some neat bling you have on there, sir."
I'm so proud of Justin!! He is taking 18 hours and dang, that's a lot of schoolin'. I know its been only one week, but he is seriously handling all those classes in one day like a champ. I couldn't do it.
That's that. Life is good. I'm sore from the running around. I have lots of reading to do.
Posted by Angela at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 15
That was a sound of a wolf, by the way, because I am convinced there is a full moon out today. Although it started off wonderfully (and I'll update on my life later tonight...I'm not in the right mindset for that now), it has turned into a crazy day. People are just being....weird. I thought maybe it was just me, but when random people start griping at me for no reason I know it is not me. Which stinks because the hospital isn't that busy today at all and it could be an enjoyable day at work!
Maybe my title should have been "Baaaa".....
Anyway, I have lots to update on....first day of professors....maybe just college stuff....okay not as much to update on as I thought....I'll work on it and get back to ya later!
Posted by Angela at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Tonight's Agenda
Friday, January 11
- Go home to change, take Mandi out, feed Mandi, pack up both of our dog's traveling gear, make sure Justin doesn't need me to bring anything else, and hit the road to Lufkin! Justin and I both agree that everytime we go to Lufkin for an evening it feels like we are going on a long road trip because of all the things we have to pack for the dogs. Trips with them always seem to begin with us running around the house grabbing odds and ends so we can rush out the door....and we are still late.
- Meet Justin at his parents house?? Or at the basketball game?? Maybe a restaurant? I guess it depends how late I am.
- Visit with his family while we work on their computer. Justin has been working on it today and I'm supposed to help him install something. I keep forgetting what. Hopefully it won't be one huge frustrating mess because I'm reading the instructions and Justin is the one actually following them....this sometimes is similar to that telephone game where one person starts with a phrase, and everyone tries to whisper that same phrase, but it always gets jumbled up!
- Go to Petsmart and buy loads of rawhides and toys for Mandi and Larry. They have gone through most of their toys and are growing bored with the few they have...Mandi has been doing very very bad things out of sheer boredom. We haven't had the chance to go on a lot of walks this week because I have been getting off late and we have been very social. And for the nights neither one of those were true: we were just plain lazy. Sooo....I'll be happy to start walking again because it is something fun to do together, and I won't feel guilty at night when I tell Mandi we are not going outside.
- Shopping other places is something we may do. Not sure. We may go visit my Mom at CVS. Justin said we could do whatever, but there really isn't anything I want to do.
- Go home!
All of this is really only speculation. It could totally change up. Either way I'm looking forward to a FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!
Posted by Angela at 4:41 PM 1 comments
Movie "To See" List..

1) Penelope: Oh I REALLY want to see this! I don't know why...probably not a movie Justin would want to see. And I'm really not sure if anyone else my age would want to either.
Posted by Angela at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: movies
Tuesday, January 8
Ever since I've started working more I have spent many hours doing the most mundane tasks around the office, but I have also spent countless hours reading things on the internet. (i.e. National Geographic's Picture of the Day, Close to Home and various Crosswalk articles)
One thing that can eat a lot of my time is reading articles on MSN. I am aware that a lot of that stuff is junk, but those articles are so short I can be interrupted several times and not even lose my train of thought. (unlike Harry Potter, the Bible, or any text book) So, it is with great pleasure I give to you....
Posted by Angela at 4:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: work
Sunday, January 6

- Gorillas purr
- Gorillas are shy and quiet
- Gorilla means "hairy person"
- They can't swim
- Gorillas sleep in nests they build
Posted by Angela at 10:23 AM 1 comments
Labels: national geographic, pictures
Toilet Talk
Wednesday, January 2
A couple months ago Justin was playing with the bluetooth on my phone so he could surprise me with the two ring tones I was wanting: 1) the Jetson's doorbell and 2) the Monster Mash.
I forgot to silence my phone yesterday at work and sure enough it started blaring the Monster Mash. (which is sort of embarassing because it is a little out of season) Well, my boss heard it and wanted me to send it to him. So I did, and this is what his phone said, "Connecting to...
Posted by Angela at 11:28 AM 3 comments