Today is Sunday, which means tomorrow is the first day of class for the fall semester! I'm still not excited, but I am a bit anxious to get the ball rolling. I cleaned my entire apartment today so when I get home from school-work-more school (also called "Monday Madness") tomorrow I can relax and feel at home. Nothing can beat the feeling of a clean home...well, maybe if I had more lamps cuz I LOVE lamps! So anyway, my clothes are washed and my scrubs have been ironed. I'm ready!
The only bad thing is that tomorrow is my first chance to wear my new shoes that I've had for several weeks now. I have separate work shoes so I haven't worn them to work....well, they still look very very white 'n' sparkly...nothing attracts more attention than a new pair of shoes. I'm going to look like a freshman....
The Eve
Sunday, August 27
Posted by Angela at 10:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: school
Sad News
Friday, August 25
Today Carrie decided to take a romantic getaway with Doug (who really wasn't all that crazy about it). You see, Carrie read a magazine that said you had to build "tent poles" meaning strong memories that hold up your relationship...this romantic getaway was one of the "tent poles." Well, when Doug went to work his best friend Deacon told him about a trip he had planned that weekend for "the guys" to Atlantic City. What was Doug going to do? Choose his wife or PARTE with his friends (which is what he wanted to do). Somehow Doug convinced Carrie to go to Atlantic City with the group and she could go to the spa and stuff. Uh, how could she resist? They went, but something happened to where Deacon couldn't go anymore.
So the sad news is that Deacons wife left him. I mean I KNEW it was going to happen sometime...but that poor man is now left with nothing....what will he do? Too bad it was a re-run and I already know what he's going to do later on....
Wow, people can really talk about a TV show like they know the people....good to know.
Posted by Angela at 11:11 PM 1 comments
Labels: king of queens, television
More Books
Wednesday, August 23
After being encouraged by Justin to beat the return of the SFAers I went and bought my books for this semester. It turns out that one of my classes has 12 books in it. I'm just glad that it is my Children's literature class that has that many books instead of my geography class. (phew) And I guess those books really don't count considering they are books like Harry Potter, The Cat In the Hat, The Giving Tree, etc. I'm actually excited to read those fact, I am giddy at the thought of reading them.
When I got home from work I decided to rearrange stuff in my apartment. I suppose it is called rearranging...maybe I'm just arranging stuff for the first time. Anyway, when I unpacked all of my stuff I really just dumped it out, shoved it somewhere, and threw away the box. NOW I can truly say that everything (except the stuff in this one closet) is unpacked AND has it's own little home.
My new television addiction is "The Newly Wed Game". I LOVE that show despite its age! I think the best part is when you see what they've won and realize that it really isn't all that impressive anymore. Or maybe that is just sad. Either way it has made its way into my Season Pass list. :)
I can't wait until tomorrow because it is "chinese food day" at work! Goodnight...
Posted by Angela at 10:43 PM 1 comments
Labels: children's books, reading, school, television, work
Got a Sweet Toothe for Online Shopping?
Saturday, August 19
This morning I was listening to NPR on the way to work (afterall, Kidd Kraddick doesn't air on Saturdays) when I heard about this really cool clothing store in Boston. You see, I'm a sucker for appealing ads and clever advertising tricks, so this shop was right up my alley--Johnny Cupcakes. You might have already heard of this store and if you haven't just click the link above to visit their website.
Johnny Cupcakes looks like a bakery on the outside. Bakery shelves and jars are seen through the windows, but once you go inside you soon find out that it isn't a cupcake store. Shirts are folded in baking pans and the cashiers are wearing aprons. Various paintings are hung on the wall feauturing the famous cupcake. The Statue of Liberty is holding a cupcake instead of a torch...Marlyn Monroe has a tiny cupcake by her mouth instead of a mole, etc. The layout is really cute and people visit most of time thinking they are going to endulge in some sweet cupcakes. The shirts are neat too...rather expensive for just shirts, but Johnny purposely limits the amount sold.
If you go to their site and click on the "shop" tab you will see all the stuff they sell. Again, really cool shirts..a little expensive. BUT, another thing I like is how they arrange the models for that page. My fave is the baseball t-shirt model with cupcake icing for those little marks under his eyes...very creative. Oh, and I like the hippo shirt the best. :)
Man, I'm really hungry.
Posted by Angela at 11:40 AM 1 comments
Labels: johnny cupcakes
A Pain
Friday, August 18
School is just around the corner and I'm really not that excited anymore. I suppose I'd be more excited if I knew exactly what my "normal" week looks like. So far all I know is that I'm going to school and working. I have no idea when I'm working because the schedule hasn't even been made yet therefore I have no idea what I will be doing in my spare time. Will I work all Tuesday or Thursday when I don't have class? Who knows! Right now trying to get a schedule made for me at work is a pain.
On the other hand I am eager to see my friends that don't spend all summer in Nac! It is really weird thinking that school starts in about a week and I don't have to move. I won't have any suitemates. :( AND it won't be as easy for friends to just drop on by my room in between classes. Of course people don't have marker boards on their apartment doors, so I won't go home and have funny messages to read. This year will be wayyyyy different for me...
Hopefully better in some ways though. We'll see.
Posted by Angela at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: school
Thursday, August 10
As I was walking around the apartment in my fuzzy gorilla slippers I remembered that it was time for my monthly post. I now have my very own apartment with high speed internet and I STILL don't blog! In fact, I get on the internet several times in one day so it isn't like I am too lazy to open my laptop. That reminds me! Here is my *new* favorite website. reviews all the latest high-tech gadgets that is some way or the other geared towards women. I am addicted to it and it has officially made it to my bloglines.
Life at the Nacogdoches Medical Center is the same. I still enjoy my job and am getting the hang of it more and more. :) I think the doctors are starting to get used to me as well.
A lot of stuff is going on in my family so please keep my parents and younger brother in your prayers. Speaking of older brother Jan (pronounced "yawn") came in for a visit last week before moving to Fort Hood. All summer I have been blessed to see my two nieces and they have truly been a joy to hang out with. Unfortunately I was only able to see my brother once so we really didn't get a chance to talk. Oh well, maybe I'll be able to visit him some time without all the people around. Here's some pics of my nieces:

Meet Katarina (left) and Sashia.
THE most positive people I know. Last summer when they stayed in my room they'd wake up and no matter what the weather was they'd say, "Oh what a beautiful morning!"
So that is it for now...I have to be at work in the morning. Hopefully I'll take the time to do this again before the month is over with. Until then........