Filling in the Holes

Thursday, February 4

I've noticed that most of my posts have been "updates". Just a list of things to document the events of my life that I've never filled you in on. I do this because I can't stand to have holes in my blog. I don't want to revisit this blog later in life only to wonder what happened in between "this" and "that".

In the last post, I filled you in on what happened during 2009. Guess what--I still have holes! This is February 2010, which means I now must update you on January. You'd be surprised at how much has changed!


I'm still the Assistant to Benefits at my company. I've learned the skills for the job and am no longer the "new person". Well, I'm still a new face, but I don't feel as though it is holding me back.

I've had many new opportunities through work. I am assisting our Corporate Trainer with leadership development which has been an amazing learning experience. I am also on a Wellness Committee which has given me a chance to get to know other leaders.


I still want to teach one day. Up until recently I had only one more test to take before getting into the PBIC program. Unfortunately, laws change too quickly and my 4-8 English/Language Arts/Reading certification is obsolete. *sigh* I have to be a generalist now which means I have to take a completely different test than I already took. Back to square one...

The good news is now I have no excuse, but to be certified in the level I want to be. (EC-6 Generalist) I was originally going the easier route.


I'm not sure if you've heard, but Justin is now in a band called Clairmont. We've been traveling with them quite a bit lately and it was just announced that Justin is their drummer! You can read more about that here.

With this comes a lot of change. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait for *THAT* update. :)