Friday: 5/30

Friday, May 30

Thank you for your prayers! Justin's eye pressure was an 8--that is great for his eye. Dr. J said that everything looked good structurally. No detached retina...everything is holding up. :) Unfortunately because Justin's situation is so advanced the doctor doesn't know why Justin's vision is getting darker. He doesn't know what Justin is supposed to be seeing considering he thought there was a huge chance Justin wouldn't see anything once the patch was removed. All Dr. J could say was that everything looked good. That being said....Justin doesn't have to go back for 4 weeks. Four. For. Fo. And that is definitely a good thing! Again, thank you for your prayers.


Anonymous said...

So wait, Jusin's doctor is Dr. J? Like, the famous basketball player? This should be added to his Wikipedia file...

Anonymous said...

lol...I would have never known that "Dr. J" was an actual person! I'm just weird about giving out doctors' names on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Paul, you are a funny man.