School is Mean+Summer Dreams

Wednesday, April 30

I'm getting so close. I have less than 30 hours of school left until I graduate! Right now though, I am stuck. (or I at least feel that way) I took all of my core classes as soon as I could (stupid idea) and now all I have left are communication courses. That's good in a way because I hate math. It is mostly bad though because due to the lack of teachers, most of the classes I need are only offered once and are all at the same time. None of the classes are 8am. I was told that I am a "untraditional" student and "traditional" students don't like 8am classes so they were trying not to offer those as much. Work is important, so this means I now have to go to school part time. Which only lengthens the time I am working on this dang degree. And therefore delays when I can go back to school to get certified in education.

All of this frustrates me so much! I know what I want to do (teach the little ones) and because I didn't come to that conclusion a couple of years ago, I am forced to go what feels like around the world just to get a certification that I could have worked for during these last four years I've been in college. Again, I feel stuck

So this semester is wrapping up. Last Thursday was Horrible Thursday (class registration), tomorrow is Tired Thursday (end-of-the-semester school work), and next Thursday is Celebration Thursday (spring semester is officially over!!).

Although I don't like looking forward to the Fall semester and all that is involved in making sense of the jumble of classes I've taken so far...I am looking forward to the summer! (who doesn't though)

Summer Goals....

Justin and I both thought that it would be best that I learn braille in the near future. Mainly so I can share the job of labeling kitchen appliances and pantry items. I will also be able to type notes to Justin if I need to. Plus I think it will be fun to learn something new, and it will give me the chance to see some of what Justin goes through on a daily basis. I'm either going to take a class at SFA during Summer I (if time and money allows) or the master himself will teach me! (uh, you know I meant Justin right?) I'm not sure how this is going to go because it seems rather confusing now. I'm really not sure if I'll ever be able to read braille by touch. Either way, I will dust off Justin's braille typewriter and start with sentences like, "The cat sat. The fat cat sat. The fat cat sat on the mat." At the end of the summer I will be the braille queen!!

Last Friday I bought a beginner Pilates DVD. Yeah, that intermediate one I started out on was tough. So hopefully I'll make a habit of doing the end of the summer I will be ready to run marathons in my head!

I am planning on reading the rest of the Harry Potter series that I started last summer. After the wedding planning went into full gear I had little time to read Harry Potter.

I love watching movies so I to watch lots of movies this summer. Maybe Justin and I can watch a movie a week. Perhaps he would want to watch the Harry Potter movies once I finish a book...maybe??? We'll see.

Maegan and Philip are getting married this summer!! Yay! I will be in their wedding too. :)

I can't wait to have more time to hang out with friends and invite them over to our place.

So even though things might be tough now and tougher this summer....I have all those things to look forward to as well!


Anonymous said...

1. Braille master??? Hrmmm....
2. I'm gonna' say "maybe" on the Harry Potter movies. I love you enough to watch them though.

Anonymous said...

I had a funny mental picture of you leaving Justin note in braille, and he reads it and it says:

"The cat sat. The fat cat sat. The fat cat sat on the mat."

Justin: When did we get a cat??

Anonymous said...

Justin: You ARE the Braille master! And I'll take a "maybe" any day!

Paul: That is very funny!

Anonymous said...

woot woot for learning braille and yet another woot for free time!