Last Friday

Wednesday, April 16

I promise I'm not neglecting my blog!

It's just days like yesterday that leave very little room to post...go to school, go to work, stay at work until close to 6pm while the doctors are in a meeting so I could be there just in case something this point I was SO SO SO grateful for the tasty lasagna Sam and Christina McFarland (small group friends) brought over not only because I found out that Justin does eat lasagna, but also because he would have starved without it. I, afterall, had a Voodoo and Ghost lecture to attend and one should not be late to a Voodoo lecture! (more on that at a later date) So I went home, dished out the lasagna, took the dogs out, begged with my husband to lay down and not help me, and off to the Voodoo I went!

But I am sitting in my dark, quiet workplace listening to the melodius Pavarotti (that's what one of the doctor's picked out). So I suppose now is a better time than ever to update those of you who have not heard from us on Justin's eye appointment last Friday.

Justin does not have an infection! Infection was one of the many risks involved with his operation that could have lead to blindness. The doctor was happy to report that he was infection free. :)

So far everything that was put in place during the surgery is holding up well. Gas bubble--check! Steroids--check, check! Due to the gas bubble, the doctor can't see to the back of Justin's eye enough to tell us if things are actually helping. We must wait until the gas bubble fully absorbs into Justin's eye before we see how much the surgery actually helped or what harm the surgery caused.

Justin's doctor is still trying to be optimistic, but he informed us that there is a possibility that when the gas bubble does absorb the eye won't be able to support itself. What does that mean? It is possible that Justin would need two more surgeries to fix things.

For right now though, we are just waiting to see what happens. It could be weeks before we know what his vision will be like. Justin is hoping that the doctor will let him go easier on the positioning once he sees him this coming Friday.

We'll let you know what happens on Friday. Thank you for your prayers. We really do appreciate it.

And now I must say...

THAT I AM SO EXCITED THAT TODAY IS MY EARLY DAY! I can spend more time with Justin and get rid of the big black cloud hanging over my head that is my school work.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping keep everyone up to date, baby. You have picked up so much extra responsibility over the last two weeks - and handled it so well. I am so glad you are around to be with me...and love you very much!