Friday: 4/18

Monday, April 21

Thank you so much for all of your prayers. I wasn't able to go with Justin to his appointment this past Friday, so this post probably won't be as detailed as the last ones...

Everything seems to be holding up in his eye. There is still no infection. The gas bubble is shrinking, and the steroids are slooooowly dissolving.

Great news! Justin's eye pressure was up by 2 points which is awesome. The steroids are making it to the back of his eye and might actually be doing their job. :)

After much pleading on Justin's part (just kidding...maybe), the doctor said that it would be ok for him to go back to minimal activity soon. That means he won't be able to run around all day long, but he can get out and do things as long as he stays on his side at home. Some of you might get to see Justin!

We still won't have any idea of how Justin's vision will be any time soon. I'll let you know of any updates on Friday.