No I'm not going on a "break" from blogging. Yes I'm aware that it has been a while since I've posted. The reason I have not been blogging is because I have a major-major paper to do and I can't possibly sit at my computer blogging away without feeling a tinge of guilt because I'm not pouring my Harry Potter philosophy out onto paper. Unfortunately, I've only just begun to do that and what am I doing? Sitting her blogging away!
My updates on life will have to come later. For now I must go and gaze into the Mirror of Erised...
I've Only Just Begun...
Saturday, September 30
Posted by Angela at 7:16 PM 3 comments
Labels: blogs, harry potter, school
Sunday, September 17
1) I wonder what it feels like to be a squirrel...I took a picture to see:

2) I know someone who considers his nephew (born out of wedlock) illegitimate and refuses to think of this 2 year old as family. That confuses me...
3) I've been trying to remember who my pastor talks like and this is my conclusion:
4) It has been a long time since I've just sat on the couch and watched TV in the dark. I just love that glow around the room...
5) I enjoy eating ice.
Posted by Angela at 1:55 PM 6 comments
Labels: pictures
Proud Pet-Parent
Saturday, September 16
Today Mandi graduated from Puppy Kindergarten! She has really matured a lot since the first day I took her into PetSmart. I have to say that I am very happy with the results. :) Mandi can now sit, lay down, stay, up-sit, leave-it, take-it, high-five, shake, roll-over, drop-it, and watch me. Here's a picture of the big event:

On to Middle School...
Posted by Angela at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: mandi
A List
Sunday, September 10
Things I've learned today:
-No matter how much I want to, I just can't sleep in anymore.
-Warheads were great when I was younger, but they can be a little overwhelming now.
-Some people are just doomed to drop their cell phone everyday.
-Having a couple as friends can be uncomfortable when they break up.
-Negativity is contagious.
-It is easy to get caught up in life and then several months later realize that your heart has hardened.
-A new background for each individual song in a worship service still makes me cringe.
-I have the best boyfriend in the entire world!
Here are some pics I took the other day:

Posted by Angela at 10:51 PM 2 comments
Labels: pictures