Yes I know that my blog has been lacking for a while. Now that the Fall semester has started I hope to get on top of things and post more regularly. At least school will force me not to ignore the computer once I get home. :)
For now I will give you an update with the going-ons of my life...
~As you know, Justin and I went to Austin not too long ago for our 1 Year Wedding Anniversary. We had a blast! There is so much to do there and we couldn't even do everything we wanted. Don't worry, I will do a couple posts on the trip soon. I don't care if it is "old news".
~In the last couple of months I have made some MAJOR decisions regarding my education. I am transferring from SFA to Thomas Edison State College. This seemed like the best decision in order for me to complete my degree in a timely manner. I will give you more details in the next week or so...just please pray for me as I make this big transition.
~This last week has been full of moving furniture, dusting, and other home repairs. We are trying to make the place more "home-y" since we are staying here for a while longer.
~I've been sick lately. I originally thought it was from the above dust--and dog fur! Nope. I just have a virus or something. I am feeling better now, but I think Justin might be getting it.
~This Friday Justin and I will be going to Dallas for his much delayed eye appointment. We are also going to see his PawPaw to get our teeth cleaned. (did I mention I'm scared of going to the dentist?!)
You should now be mostly updated. I'll be posting again soon...
What's Up
Tuesday, August 26
Posted by Angela at 3:56 PM 2 comments
The Dreaded Task
Wednesday, August 13
Is it just me or does this title sound like a chapter out of an adventure novel? "The Dreaded Task." If your answer is "yes", then good! Adventure novels always have the most dramatic titles to further illustrate how important the topic is AND the topic I will be typing about is very important.
Now you smarties out there might notice that I have a picture of groceries in the upper left hand corner of this post. You might think that you have me all figured out. That my "dreaded task" is grocery shopping. Aha! You do not have me all figured out so now you are forced to read on.
So I don't have a problem with grocery shopping. In fact, if given a list I LOVE to grocery shop! The cart traffic and screaming children really don't bother me. The free samples are a plus. And I don't mind going around in circles just to find one.stupid.tub.of.ricotta cheese!
Cooking isn't too big of a deal to me either. Although I admit that I usually avoid cooking for people other than my husband at all costs, I will cook for you if you give me constructive criticism only. Wait. Scratch that. I don't think I can handle any kind of criticism in that area yet. Let's just say that I will cook for you if you are willing to eat.
The only chore I dread more than dusting and fixing the sofa's slipcover is MEAL PLANNING. I want to be so organized and have things planned so well that I don't waste a freezer full of food. And to me, that is the hardest thing ever. I'm not creative enough to come up with fresh, new ideas for meals. I'm not disciplined enough to stick with the plans and use the ingredients. And I'm not talented enough to create my own meals off of the hodgepodge of ingredients and leftovers I have after going off the meal plan.
Today is grocery shopping day. Which means I should already have a grocery list planned out. And I don't. Because I hate it. Too bad we have to eat at some point.

Posted by Angela at 12:48 PM 8 comments
Labels: meal planning