That Shower Feeling...

Tuesday, April 18

Well, I just got finished taking a shower after my first class of the day. Don't you just love that feeling after you've taken a shower? You feel clean, relaxed, and delighted at the fact that people can smell your shampoo from far away...yes, showers are fun.

If you've read Justin's blog you might know that we went to Dallas yesterday. It was fun learning the directions to different places. The more I go to Dallas the more I'm reminded how much there is to do there! I love driving around with Justin, and have a great time watching him drool over stuff in large music stores. Oh yeah, we ate at Taco Bueno on the way out of town...yum,yum! We were only able to have fun yesterday b/c his eye appointment was a success though! <---to see the details go visit his blog, if you haven't already.

Dorm life is driving me crazy right now and I am sure this stuff won't be eliminated even when I get an apartment. So maybe I shouldn't call it "dorm life". It's that time of the semester when everybody is kind of AAAH! and it is making me freak out too. Finals are just around the corner, my roommate is having more problems other than being sick 24/7, and now people are being picky about what the proper way to hang the toilet paper roll is. Maybe there is one, maybe there isn't. Is one way germ friendly? Or do we value convenience when we go to grab a piece of toilet paper? Could it look more appealing if we hang it over instead of under the roll? I could honestly care less either way. I just put it on however I feel like at the time. No worries, I went into the bathroom and now we have a nice little diagram drawn on the wall of how we should hand the toilet paper. I'm not mad or anything...just astonished that a person could feel that strongly about how everyone hangs the toilet paper.

Apartment hunting is getting nowhere...and based on gas prices it looks like I'll have to find a job in Lufkin for the summer. IHOP isn't having enough business to warrant me driving back and forth all summer. I can't stand looking for jobs and looking for a place to stay isn't much better. Humph, do people need to adjust to what the gas prices are expected to be? If they don't they might be sorry...but if they do they could be wasting their time. Yikes! I better get to class...have a great day everybody!!!