In Between

Friday, April 21

At this moment I'm in the part of my day where I've gone to school, ran errands, and am now in that little gap of time before I get ready for work. I am very happy to announce that my DPS problems are o-v-e-r! I just got finished turning in my driving record, so hopefully I am no longer on the naughty list. Classes went by very fast today! Since Justin is going to be in Maryland for a while I am trying to take extra-good notes so I can keep him up to speed before finals. I normally don't take notes in Poli-Sci and today I found out why: it is impossible! She skips around so much that I just get annoyed by the disorganization of my notes. Anal? Possibly.

Fridays at IHOP were once very fruitful. I am praying that we have some sort of business tonight. I have had FOUR days off this week, which on the surface might seem as a good thing, but no work equals no money. :( I'm not a money-hog but I've got bills to pay. It is looking more and more possible that I'm going to have to find a job in Lufkin this fact, I'm picking up applications on Saturday.

I've got a lot to do this weekend due to my procrastination. I have a test to study for, and a monologue to pick out and memorize. Yuck.

Well I'm off to do a little reading before work....buh-bye!