It's A Laptop!

Monday, January 9

If you were noticing something different about my blog, it has GOT to be the fact that I've typed it on my BRAND NEW LAPTOP! :) Justin helped me pick out a laptop today that would fit all of my needs. I love it! It is a lot more updated than my PC and it is much more portable. I can now go to the library and type papers, study at the Wesley, or anywhere else away from my roommate for that matter. Oh, oh...I even have DESK space in my dorm room...yay! The only bad thing is that Napster and Rhapsody aren't working. I don't know why, but Justin couldn't figure it out, and I have to call the company tomorrow. Justin was very sweet and stayed at my house all day helping me install programs and delete the free trial stuff that came with it. (he's good w/ this kind of stuff)

Today we went to FUMC in Lufkin, and it was WAY different than what we are used to now. (that's not bad though) Saw some people that we haven't seen in a while...all in all it was a good morning. I've already explained what took most of my day up, and now I am ready to go to bed. Tomorrow I have to get a car inspection, vehicle sticker registration thing, appointment for defensive driving, and pay the bills. Oh yeah, I have to go to work too. Until then...