College Experiences

Thursday, January 26

Wow, this week has flown by! Classes are going very well...Political Science is still uninteresting to me. I KNOW I should be interested; I think it is very important to be educated about what is going on with our leaders. Everyone's probably getting tired of hearing this, but I LOVE my math class!! Theater Speech is a different class than what I'm used to. I've found out that the theater people are obviously more cultured than I am, and on top of that--they are kind of creepy. Don't get me wrong, I love those guys...just some of our exercises are weird. Today for instance, we became aware of the ground and laid on our backs in the dark imagining that a large glowing ball of energy was floating above us. Okay, all the exercises helped us to meet our goal...and maybe I shouldn't have used the word "weird" is just a different experience for me. (I kind of liked it too) To say the least I am looking forward to the rest of the semester in that class.

My brother, Bryan, graduated from Stubblefield today. I am really happy for him; there were times when people thought he wouldn't even do that. The graduation was obviously a lot smaller than a public school system's, but it definitely taught me a great deal about what Stubblefield is about. Many people view that place as a school where drop-outs go when they want the easy way out. Hey, maybe part of that is true...Stubblefield is also a place of hope for people. There was a 55 year old man that graduated. That man couldn't easily get into high school, but he really wanted to turn his life around and make something of himself. Some students dropped out of high school and joined the workforce quickly realizing that that wasn't a good decision for them...Stubblefield gave them the opportunity to finish what they started and not be judged by their peers. Pregnant teens go there because people at school judged them, and they still want to get their education. No matter what the reason is...whether lazy or not...I think it is important to know that Stubblefield exists for the good too.


Anonymous said...

Congrats to your brother! I love your attitude toward his school, very mature! You seem like such a sweet, honest, compassionate young woman on fire for God. I'm so glad that Justin has you in his life! I have always adored Justin. He was the first cousin that was significantly less younger than me and that I was able to take care of. He's such a good kid (I guess young man now!), and I'm so glad he has someone like you in his life!

<3 Tracy