What's Up

Tuesday, August 26

Yes I know that my blog has been lacking for a while. Now that the Fall semester has started I hope to get on top of things and post more regularly. At least school will force me not to ignore the computer once I get home. :)

For now I will give you an update with the going-ons of my life...

~As you know, Justin and I went to Austin not too long ago for our 1 Year Wedding Anniversary. We had a blast! There is so much to do there and we couldn't even do everything we wanted. Don't worry, I will do a couple posts on the trip soon. I don't care if it is "old news".

~In the last couple of months I have made some MAJOR decisions regarding my education. I am transferring from SFA to Thomas Edison State College. This seemed like the best decision in order for me to complete my degree in a timely manner. I will give you more details in the next week or so...just please pray for me as I make this big transition.

~This last week has been full of moving furniture, dusting, and other home repairs. We are trying to make the place more "home-y" since we are staying here for a while longer.

~I've been sick lately. I originally thought it was from the above dust--and dog fur! Nope. I just have a virus or something. I am feeling better now, but I think Justin might be getting it.

~This Friday Justin and I will be going to Dallas for his much delayed eye appointment. We are also going to see his PawPaw to get our teeth cleaned. (did I mention I'm scared of going to the dentist?!)

You should now be mostly updated. I'll be posting again soon...


Anonymous said...

I believe it's time for another post....what do ya say?

Anonymous said...

Wait.....August 26th? Was this the same person saying I needed to blog? hmmm...I wonder.... : ) (I had fun the other night too! We will have to do it more often!)