It's Sunday

Sunday, March 16

I just finished watching Meet the Robinsons and I loved it! Seriously people, I know many others have been recommending this movie on their blogs, but if you haven't watched it need to! I don't have kids and I loved it.

Justin and I have started that movie way too late at night a couple times before. I don't feel guilty about finishing it without him though because he didn't like it. He's crazy.

Spring Break went by too fast. We decided not to go anywere (partly because I had to work), so we enjoyed a less full Nacogdoches. We started to walk again. I can't say that I have enjoyed it. I also can't say that we didn't need it. I can't wait until the azaleas bloom a little bit more!

This semester is almost seems that this year is zooming by. I'm filling in for projection tonight at Crosspoint. In the words of J. Romack....

PEACE OUT (does that work for me? can I get by with saying that?)