Tonight's Agenda

Friday, January 11

  • Go home to change, take Mandi out, feed Mandi, pack up both of our dog's traveling gear, make sure Justin doesn't need me to bring anything else, and hit the road to Lufkin! Justin and I both agree that everytime we go to Lufkin for an evening it feels like we are going on a long road trip because of all the things we have to pack for the dogs. Trips with them always seem to begin with us running around the house grabbing odds and ends so we can rush out the door....and we are still late.

  • Meet Justin at his parents house?? Or at the basketball game?? Maybe a restaurant? I guess it depends how late I am.

  • Visit with his family while we work on their computer. Justin has been working on it today and I'm supposed to help him install something. I keep forgetting what. Hopefully it won't be one huge frustrating mess because I'm reading the instructions and Justin is the one actually following them....this sometimes is similar to that telephone game where one person starts with a phrase, and everyone tries to whisper that same phrase, but it always gets jumbled up!

  • Go to Petsmart and buy loads of rawhides and toys for Mandi and Larry. They have gone through most of their toys and are growing bored with the few they have...Mandi has been doing very very bad things out of sheer boredom. We haven't had the chance to go on a lot of walks this week because I have been getting off late and we have been very social. And for the nights neither one of those were true: we were just plain lazy. Sooo....I'll be happy to start walking again because it is something fun to do together, and I won't feel guilty at night when I tell Mandi we are not going outside.

  • Shopping other places is something we may do. Not sure. We may go visit my Mom at CVS. Justin said we could do whatever, but there really isn't anything I want to do.

  • Go home!

All of this is really only speculation. It could totally change up. Either way I'm looking forward to a FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh sweetheart you think it's crazy getting the dogs ready to go somewhere, wait till you guys have kids. The stuff you have to pack for a day in town or trip is horrible. Then you always forget something. Love and miss you guys alot.