Wednesday, September 26

Have you ever been in need of a haircut so bad that you feel it growing by the minute? I haven't had a haircut since before the wedding, and I have had that icky feeling for a while now. Unfortunately, my hairdresser is way too cool and popular to get in without a weeks notice. I had an appointment a few weeks ago, but I was a little late and turned down at the door.

Ever since then I have been calling in an attempt to make another appointment. Either they don't answer the phone because they are so busy, or she is booked. I just left another message and I'm sure they are tired of hearing from me. Do you think they hate me? Have I lost all of my credibility because of my tardiness and I now have to "know someone" to get back in? This reminds me of a King of Queens episode where Carrie isn't welcomed at a nail salon because she yelled at one of the workers....and then all of the nail salons in the city were all-of-a-sudden "booked".

I need a haircut bad....and I'm one step from joining Justin at Milford's this Saturday. (not really)


Anonymous said...

I say, if they're that snobby and can't afford the decency to return a phone call or pick up the phone for a customer, I'd take my business somewhere else. Cause it's my experience that you can easily find someone else to do just as good a job, and they're not gonna be all stuck on themselves and think they're all high and mighty. can just go buy a Flowbee.

Anonymous said...

That's just weird...they called me back today, and I have an appointment in two weeks. :) My person is just super-busy...