Just An Update

Sunday, August 26

For your convenience I've split this post up into topics--which I'm sure that is how paragraphs are written anyway--so feel free to skip anything you already know. (afterall, I've neglected this blog for how long?) And I guess you can skip anything you don't care to know about too.

Married Life- I'm Angela Nicole Romack now! I love being able to say that Justin Romack is my husband, and I'm excited to experience life by his side. The wedding went by fast. THANK YOU to everyone that helped out and attended. The cruise was lots of fun! I think the ocean in Mexico looks like blue jello--so beautiful! It was my first cruise and first time to be outside of the US. I was a bit displeased with the only part I saw of Cozumel, because it was just one big tourist trap that had very little to do with the Mexican culture. We were both ready to get home, but there are days now that I just think, "Man I wish we were on that boat." Lots of pictures to come as soon as I get the film developed. Someone lost my digital camera during the hustle and bustle of the wedding planning so I had to resort to disposable cameras.

Justin's Surgery- The Wednesday after our cruise Justin had a cornea transplant and lens removal. The surgery was successful in the sense that there were no complications during the procedure. His vision is worse than it was before because there is so much blood in his eye, and it hasn't changed at all in the last couple of weeks. Justin had an appointment today and everything checked out ok. They did a lot of tests with flashy lights to make sure there is nothing wrong with his retina. The doctor said that some of his blood is absorbing!! They think as soon as the blood goes away his vision will be much better. Thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray for Justin's recovery, and for patience for both of us while we wait to see what happens.

School- For the past few weeks the both of us have been preparing for school. I've been filling out paperwork for the big name change, and financial aid stuff. School started today for me. Just seems to be a bunch of busy work this semester. I'm very nervous about my webcourse just because I've never taken one before. I do like the idea of getting lectures in advance so I can stay ahead of everything. I thought the professor forgot me on his role when he didn't mention me in the J's.

Last year was full of a lot of first's. It was my first time living off campus, and the first time for me to live by myself. The first time to have a dog. (because I was living by myself) I worked full time while going to school full time--I had never ever thought I'd be able to that before. I took a night class for the first time. I'm sure this year will hold a lot more first's for me. I'm looking forward to it! Maybe this year will be the first for me to maintain a blog.....but we shouldn't get our hopes up just yet.