Wednesday, June 27

My porch light went out a long time ago, and I still can't figure out how to pull apart the thing to get the light bulb out. Then my pantry light went out. And then my bedside lamp went out. And then my reading lamp went out. I haven't replaced any of my bulbs. So when I come home I have to get the door key ready in the car so I can see which one is which. I have to turn the kitchen light on to see what is in my pantry. I turn the hall light on to see in my room at night, because I don't like to use the overhead light for some reason. I only have one lamp to light my living room.

How many light bulbs have to burn out before I am considered lazy?


Anonymous said...

i think you've already reached that point!

Anonymous said...

oh, you can use the refrigerator light to light up the kitchen when those lights go out!