He Ditched DW For Me

Monday, March 19

If you scroll down to the previous post you can see the exact spot Justin proposed to me. Yes, that's right....HE PROPOSED! Of course, all of you knew 10 years before I did anyway. So it really isn't a surprise to anyone.

For me on the other hand...it was a HUGE surprise! The very last thing I thought we'd do in San Antonio was get engaged. Next thing I know my loving boyfriend is down on his knee with a ring in his hand....I of course gracefully accepted. (yeah, don't believe that horrible impression he does of me...I did not ask if he was kidding....and I by no means kept saying, "Oh my goodness.") However there really was a woman who screamed...just don't listen to his recollection of my reaction.

I am super excited! It took me a couple days to get over the shock of his proposal, and realize that yes, the time has come....I will be planning my very own wedding....and most importantly will be marrying JUSTIN ROMACK!!

Unfortunately, tomorrow we have to leave our vactioness behind and go back to school. It will be hectic trying to plan for a wedding that as of now is scheduled for August 2007. I'm looking forward to the experience of being engaged and eventually married.


Anonymous said...

DW doesn't even compare!

Anonymous said...

how about a free dw? all maple. or maybe a gretsch?

Anonymous said...

Ummmm, so why is he kissing the dog? Haha Larry doesn't seem to be interested.

Anonymous said...

That was one of the only pictures I took that weekend. I was suffering from man-I-can't-stand-this-camera-after-using-the-school's-it-is-horribly-slow-itis.

Oh, and Larry was just playing hard to get.

Anonymous said...

Logan makes that same face....Like Justin, not like Larry. Me and Mom are so happy for you both. Hope to see y'all soon.

Anonymous said...

maybe i've told the big news to people that have me on their blogroll. maybe.

Anonymous said...

What is this "blogroll" you speak of? I'm sorry. I do not use WordPress.