Thursday, November 16

While I was at work today, I made up my mind that I would come home and blog. At that point I was in the mood to blog even though I had nothing to talk about. Now that I have something to talk about, I have decided to cut things short in order to avoid a griping session...

I have no car. My tire blew out while I was dropping Justin off from our walk tonight, and of course, I had to pull over to the side of Pearl Street. (a street where all the crazies drive) I don't know how to chang a tire, so Justin called Dave to help us out. (Dave seems to know a lot about cars, and I am very thankful that he came out to help) We called the police to our aid so that the crazies wouldn't run us over, and Dave attempted changing my flat tire. Yeah, the first thing he said was, "I'm not sure how to change a car's tire...I've only done trucks." I let him do it anyway. The jack fell over twice allowing my car to make a not-so-soft landing on the street both times. The police officer advised us to call a wrecker...he made the call for us...the wrecker used his truck to lift my car, changed my tire for me, and sent pitiful me on my way no charge. The wrecker did take the time to tell us one thing:


I did not know that, but lesson learned. Dave then pointed out that the jack actually said that little tidbit of information on it.....he then pointed out that it was funny he didn't see it when he read the rules on the jack the first time. Yep.

I'm not really angry or anything, but I am hoping that no harm was done to my little piece of trash car.

Afterall..."Ford is the BEST in Texas."

*****Just in case I fail to blog for another month or two you can read this blog here. I wouldn't bother reading the latest post, but my favorite is the one before that. ENJOY!*****


Anonymous said...

bummer - at least you had something to blog about :-)

Your dad didn't teach you how to change a tire?? Shame on him.