Internet Snob

Monday, May 22

I am so desperate to serf the net at highspeed that I have driven across town to Whataburger. The ONLY reason I haven't been blogging is because we only have dial-up at the house. I am an internet snob. French fries and a Dr. Pepper is a perk too.

Not too much has been happening to me lately. I've been settling in at the McClain's household and refreshing my memory up at the Christian Life Center. Rooming with Justin's little sister Katie hasn't been too terribly bad. I will say though that I've never had a younger sister so it is taking some time to get use to.

Tonight was the season finale of Desperate Housewives!! It was crazy, and I am already excited about next season. :) There are so many twist and turns in this show and that is what I love about it. Every episode has you on the edge of your seat. Will Bree hook up with a murderer after saving her daughter from one? Is Gabriella going to forgive her husband for cheating on her? Oh, and poor Susan might have lost the man she was going to propose to. Enough about that...WEDNESDAY is the finale of American Idol. I am especially excited because the last two contestants are my favorite male and female...I can see myself buying either ones' cd. So that is a plus.

One thing I really miss is going to Grace Bible Church. I know I will be here only for the summer, but everything is just different now. Oh well, maybe I'll be off one Sunday so I can make the drive.

I better go now, I am using Justin's computer...mine died. Man oh man, I'll be happy when I can use my computer again. Until whenever...


Anonymous said...

Internet snob... youre hilarious!